Sunday, June 30, 2013


I know, I know.  I haven't written in awhile.  Four days to be exact.  But who's counting?  (Mother.)  

So today I was thinking about how easily I get distracted and it hit me.  My dad was right!  I never learned to finish what I started.  He would tell me over and over again, "Just finish what you start" and I never got it until today.  My life has been one big "If you give a Moose a Muffin" adventure. (Moms with small kids, you'll get that reference.)   

This is one thing that drives me nuts about myself.  I can't seem to finish what I start at one sitting.  I have to start something else.  It's almost like Restless Leg Syndrome for the brain.  I'll call it "WMS," or "Wandering Mind Syndrome."  I made that up so don't google it because you'll be looking for a long time.  And if you are like me, chances are you'll find an article that sounds like WMS so you'll click on it and start to read the comments and stumble across a link to WebMD.   You'll click that link and see the link for Symptom Checker and remember your ankle's been hurting all morning and you need to see if it's broken.  So you click on that to diagnose your ankle condition.   When you are answering the Symptom Checker Questions it'll ask "is it swollen?" so you'll need to look down at your feet to be sure.  When you do, you'll realize you need to re-polish your toenails.  You'll walk to the bathroom and notice you are out of cotton balls so you'll have to call your husband, who is at the grocery store.  When you are on the phone with him you'll remember you didn't add toilet paper to the list so you'll tell him.  Then he'll ask the dreaded, "Anything else?" question and you'll wander through the pantry and house to double check.  While you are wandering you'll come across the light coming from the laptop and then it will hit you.  Weren't you doing something earlier?  Oh yeah, you were writing your blog before you got distracted.  

It is so frustrating to be this scatter brained.  If I was brave enough, I'd show you all drafts for blog topics I have started so you'd understand just how ridiculous my problem was.  It's so bad that this wasn't really the topic I was intending to write about today.  I will save that for another day. 

I can't be alone on this.  I think it's a woman/mom thing.  At least, I hope I'm not the only one who does this?  Maybe I should get checked out for something worse?  Is WebMd still open?  Maybe I should call the doctor? That reminds me, I need to call the dentist.  Oh crap, we need toothpaste! Where's my phone?  Agh, I need to charge it!!  Oy vey, I did it again.

I better get a move on before I go crazy.  I hope you have a great day!  :)

Wednesday, June 26, 2013


My daughter is at VBS and my husband went to work so this is me:

Please enjoy my favorite websites while I enjoy a Mental Health Day.  If you need me, I'll be on my couch watching a movie and eating Chinese Food. Make it a great day!

Tuesday, June 25, 2013


(Update:  I realize this entry looks funny.  I'm out of time to fix it so, my bad.)

Last week I put a request out there to see if anyone was really reading this blog and to my surprise it wasn't just my mother.  So to those of you who took the time to ask me some questions, a big thank you.   

Today I'm going to answer a few of them.  Here we go.
  • Why do my kids wake up so early in the summer?  I don't know.  Next question please.  Just kidding. Here is my theory on this one.  You are a good mom, whose kids are well rested.  If they were exhausted and not getting the proper amount of sleep their bodies would keep them asleep.  I knew a mom whose kids slept really late all the time, like noon, and I couldn't understand why.  Then one day she told me how they didn't put the kids to bed until the kids felt like it, didn't take naps and just ran wild throughout the day.  There was no real set guideline at their home so the kids slept FOREVER.  This may be good for the parents but the kids?  Not so much.  Here's what the Mayo clinic has to say about how many hours kids should be sleeping.  If your kids get the right amount and are well rested, the butt crack of dawn may just be their waking time.  Unfortunately for you, and me, we may have to wait until the kids are lazy, hormonal teenagers and rather sleep than hang out with their boring parents.  Keep up the good work!  
How many hours of sleep are enough for good health?


from Timothy Morgenthaler, M.D.
The amount of sleep you need depends on various factors — especially your age. Consider these general guidelines for different age groups:
Age groupRecommended amount of sleep
Infants9-10 hours at night, plus 3 or more hours of naps
Toddlers9-10 hours at night, plus 2-3 hours of naps
School-age children9-11 hours
Adults7-8 hours
  • Is there such a thing as a perfect marriage?  Nope, only on T.V.  Marriage is tough.  It takes work from both sides and there will be times you aren't going to like the person you have committed to for the REST OF YOUR LIFE.   You may even want to punch the crap out of them or spit in their coffee.  (I've only done that once j/k.)   It's not about those moments, because they will pass.  It's about realizing that you made a deal with that person and to yourself to work it out, in sickness and in health and all that jazz.  You pay your car payment on time because you made a deal with the finance company that you would so why not take that approach to marriage.  A deal is a deal.

    Now I'm not dumb enough to not realize that for some people divorce is the only solution.  It happens and it's okay.  If you made that decision, it's because it was it was your decision and I respect you whole-heartedly for knowing yourself well enough to realize that you needed or deserved more.  You go girl.  
Well that's about all the time I have today, because my wonderful husband is off from work today and is bugging me to hurry up.  (Do you hear the excitement in my voice?)  His exact words were, "must be nice to sit there and write" as he walked be me to insinuate that I needed to get a move on because we have plans.  His passive aggressive "must be nice" is the equivalent to my "bless your heart" or my uber famous, "I'm fine."  Until next time loyal readers and random creepers.  :)  Make it a great day!  
***Disclaimer:  I am no way an expert on any subject, or have any business dispensing advice  unless you want to know about the Real Housewives Franchise.  Please take my advise with a grain of salt and toss it over your shoulder for good luck.***

Monday, June 24, 2013

Choose or Lose

It's amazing how one song can take you places you haven't been in years.  One smell, one touch, one taste.  Our senses serve as little triggers that sometimes shouldn't be pulled.  This has me wondering...when is it okay to reminisce and when is is time to build a bridge and just get over it?

There are 2 types of "sense triggers" that affect me.  I will call them "Nostalgia and Lamentation."  I am very easily transported by these bad boys.   I wonder what that says about me?  Don't answer that.  :)

I had everybody's favorite, "the Nostalgic moment", this morning as I dropped off my daughter off at the VBS I used to go to as a child.  It was so refreshing going in to the Church I grew up in.  The smell was the same, the look was familiar, almost like home.  For a moment, time stood still and I was the 9 year old little girl going in myself. 

 I love these moments.  The happiness, the joy, the laughter that comes over you.  Just like a few days ago, when I was driving in the car, flipping through radio stations and I stumbled across a song that made my heart smile.  It was, "Querida" by Juan Gabriel.  This song reminds of Eternity by Calvin Klein, Kmart and Martha Stewart.  Confused?  Let me explain.  Back in the day, when I was first dating my husband, I asked him to go with me to look at Martha Stewart's line of crafting scissors at Kmart.  (Hot date alert!)  At that time he was willing to go anywhere with me just to have a chance breathe the same air as me.  This song came on over their loud speaker and he started singing it down the aisles the same way Juan Gabriel does it.   You have to watch this video and smile with me.  I knew he was the man for me when he pounded his fists on his chest and serenaded me like a total dork and didn't care who saw. Granted he didn't do it as "fem" as this but still, it was awesome!

I have to be honest.  Most of the time it's that A-hole "Lamentation" that gets me going.  It knows exactly how to creep in and mess with my head if I let it.  I think it's because I'm naturally a "dwelller."  I dwell on a fault.  I dwell on why certain things happened to me growing up?  From why people you love can hurt you so bad to why I cut my hair so short when I know I hate drying it?  I'm even dwelling about why am I writing about dwelling?

I think it's time for me to build a big ass bridge and walk my happy butt over it.  There is no need for me to harp on the same old crap over and over again.  I know there is a chance I may get "lost in a moment" and walk back over the bridge.  I may see a picture of my grandma that makes me miss her more.  I may find myself sniffing a baby and regretting the fact that I didn't have another child.  I may even hear that damn Trisha Yearwood song that takes me back to 1999 again but it's my choice to decide which way I'm going.  

It will always be my intention to choose joy over pain.  I strive to choose love over hate, forgiveness over holding grudges.  It's my choice just as much as it is yours.  Let's start the day by making it a good one.  Okay?

Friday, June 21, 2013

Tan Mom?

The other day I mentioned that I would be willing to take some spare children so my child would have someone to play with and my wish was granted.  Yay me!  I am taking my daughter and her friend to the pool...again.  I swear, by the end of the summer I'm going to look like Tan Mom.

Tan much?

After that we are attempting to make a recipe we found on Pinterest for "Glittery Grapes".  Apparently, you roll washed grapes in Lime Jello and refrigerate for an hour and VIOLA that's it.  You have Glittery Grapes.

I know this is a lame blog entry, but it's Friday and I'm allowed to be lame.  So enjoy your day, your weekend, enjoy your life.

Make it a great day!

Thursday, June 20, 2013


I woke up with a terrible headache this morning.  Not sure if it's allergies or just the usual lack of sleep because once everyone goes to bed it's my time to catch up on all the shows I recorded throughout the day.  I can't watch regular TV anymore because the lack of fast forward capabilities really pisses me off.   What did we do before the DVR?  I can't even remember.  I don't even want to.  I'm so dependent on this technology, that sometimes when I'm in the car listening to the radio, if I miss something they said I get mad that I can't rewind it.  When is radio going to join the rest of the world?  I wish I was smart enough to invent Radio DVR.  If any of you do it, can I get credit for the idea?  

Needless to say, I'm so thankful that my daughter is going to her friends house for the day so I'm going to run to the grocery store, prep for dinner and maybe get a nap in sometime today.  For now, I'm going to close all the blinds and try another cup of coffee to relieve this pressure.  

Make it a great day!!

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Why I have an only child, so you'll stop asking.

Every single day I am asked when I'm going to have another child.  First of all, my uterus and it's occupancy is not your business and secondly, I'm not, so stop asking.  One and done.  :)

When I found out I was pregnant 10 years ago I had just lost my job, was in the beginning stages of my non-career crisis, and we were not all.  Financially or mentally.  In fact, I found out I was pregnant while getting my annual pap smear waiting for a refill for birth control.  The doctor said, "here's your prescription...for prenatal vitamins because you are pregnant!"  That was a shocker because I hadn't even missed my period yet.  I thought I was good.  My pregnancy was difficult thanks to Preeclampsia so delivery sucked too.   

Becoming a parent was a tough experience to say the least.  Our perfect little princess was not what we expected.  She cried all the time, screamed every time we put her in the car seat which made driving unbearable, didn't sleep through the night until she was almost 2 years old, was allergic to dairy, soy and mosquitoes.  She was such a light sleeper that if you farted in the other room you would wake her up.  I used say to people when they came in, "Shh, don't wake the beast!"  I thought my poor husband, the worry wort, was going to crack under the pressure.  His anxiety was through the roof.  It was not a pleasant experience but it was our experience and we loved it so much but thank God that's over.

I bet you're thinking, why would she do that to her child?  Right?  Well, we have decided this FOR our child.  We know ourselves well enough to realize that if we had more children, we wouldn't be able to provide for them in the way they deserved.  I don't want my child(ren) to struggle with mountains of Student Loan Debt like I do, fight for parental attention and not have fun adventures or life experiences because mommy and daddy couldn't afford it.  Yes, it's sad but it's reality.  We aren't going to sacrifice giving our daughter the best so we could give her someone to fight with.  I hear you mom's of more than one child, your kids fight ALL the time.  I remember driving my mother nuts with the fighting and yelling.  She dropped us off at a gas station in the 80's once if my memory serves me correctly.  Why would I want that?  Right now, my only child is in her room, playing quietly and having a blast.  I'm sitting here in my jammies, watching the View, with my coffee and writing my blog.  Jealous yet?  Plus, she's never asked for siblings, so why rock the boat?

I love Google Images.

The one downside to an only child is that I am her only playmate and I hate playing.  I don't like Polly Pockets, Barbies or playing babies.  I prefer crafts and movies and not playing.  :)  So if you have a spare child who enjoys playing the above mentioned things, send them my way.  I'll give you a little break.

And for all of you Debbie Downers saying, "but when you die, she's going to be all alone!"  I hope to God she's not.  I pray she has a wonderful family, means to have a bunch of children or at least a best friend like I have.   I'm not the first person to have an only child and I'm sure as hell not going to be the last.  In fact, there are plenty of Only Children out there that did just fine.  Take a look at this list:

So don't cry for my kid, Argentina.  She's going to be just fine.  She's loved, happy and has dog brothers.  :)  

Make it a great day!

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Ask Andrea

I like to think I give good advice.  After all, I do have an opinion on practically everything.  Just ask my poor husband.  He can't start a sentence without me butting in. Thanks mother for teaching me that.  

Anyway...I've been approached by a few people in the last month asking for what I thought on certain subjects so I thought maybe I'd let you ask me some questions.  This is also an experiment for me to see who is really reading this.  I have an average of 180 page views and I'm not sure if it's really true or just the same person (ahem, mom) hitting refresh.  So here's your chance to get my take on what's going on in your life.  It can be anything.  From boy trouble, mom questions, to what I think about the Kardashian baby.  You can either post your questions here under the comments section or email me at and I will answer them all in a later blog entry.  Don't be shy.  Ask me a question.  

Monday, June 17, 2013

Cha, cha, cha, changes!

My mother mentioned to me last week that she noticed a change in my attitude since I've started writing again.  I had become more pleasant and relaxed and positive.  WTF?  I've lost my edge.  If my life was a television show I would be the sassy, bitchy friend to the sweet girl.  Think Miranda/Carrie in comparison to Charlotte from Sex and the City.  I know I'm not a Samantha because even on my best wild day I wasn't nearly that much of ho.  If you're the ho to your friends, no judgement just love.  :) Hmmm.  Where was I?  Oh, that's right.  The last few days I have been struggling to find topics to write about and it got me thinking.  Can I only write when I have inner turmoil?

Why is it that I have a lot to say when something is weighing heavily on my mind but when there is something good happening I keep it to myself?  Is self-deprecation my shtick?  (Heehee, I said shtick!)  God, I hope not.  

A lot has changed since I started this blog and in a short amount of time.  I feel like I put the pedal to the metal and here I am sitting on the sofa with my daughter watching old episodes of Full House with a hot cup of coffee when I would have been bitching about having to work doing a job I hated.  I am so happy to not have to sacrifice myself for the sake of those people any longer.  They were stealing my joy.  How could that have happened?  How could little old ladies, shopping for "ugly shirts and shit" steal my joy?  The answer is simple.  I let them.  That ship has sailed.  I'm not going to allow that any longer.  My joy is my own responsibility and it should be yours too.

I kinda feel like I'm growing up as I type my heart out into these pages.  I don't feel like that frizzy headed 4th grade freak.  I feel more sophisticated, more worldly.  I feel like this frizzy headed 6th grader.  

This is me thinking I'm the coolest chick in the band!   If I remember correctly those were shorts.  So stylish.  NOT!

Slowly but surely, I'm finding myself.  Not only making changes but I'm seeing them too.  Life is about making things happen.  Don't sit around wondering what might have been or what should be.  Don't worry about anyone but yourself.  I used to compare my life to other people's all the time and get down in the dumps because I didn't have what they had.  Then I heard the brilliant Tyler Perry say something that got me.  He said, "yes, the grass may be greener on the other side, but you better believe they have a higher water bill!"  

Start by finding your joy if you've lost it.  Make it your own.  Make one decision today and make it happen.  Here's an easy one for you; make it a great day!   

Friday, June 14, 2013

Let me out!!

(Please press play while you read this today.  I do everything with a little music playing in the background.  I like to think my life is a movie, this is my soundtrack as I write is this.)

This morning I talked to my favorite people in the whole world.  My girlfriends.  These are the girls I go to when I need to vent, laugh, judge others (you do it too, don't hate lol), cry, whatever.  They get me.  As I hung up with each one of them, something stood out to me.  All women have one thing in common.  Pressure.  It effects us all in one way or another.  It can be self-inflicted or brought on by someone else.  Either way it just plain sucks.  

Last month when I decided I was going to start this blog, I was completely lost.  Looking for something to take my mind off the pressures of every day life.  Pressures of being the wife that every man wants.  The mother that every child wishes was their own.  The employee that every employer dreams of.  The only person I wasn't trying to please was me.  It had to stop.  But I had to stop it.  No one else.

Why do we do this, ladies?  Why do we put so much pressure on ourselves?  Hell, we even do it to our bodies with those damn Spanx.  Don't you ever just want to scream, "Let me out?" like this Queen songs says.   I know I do.  LET ME OUT!!

We can't be everything to everyone.  We can only be our imperfect selves.  That's the true perfection in being a woman.  Plain and simple.  Being perfect is not attainable.  Busting our asses off to have it all is great.  Finding balance and peace and self-acceptance is even better.  Remember, we will never be the perfect wife, mother, friend or co-worker.  So stop pressuring yourself silly.

Do me a favor.  Take the next few minutes of this song and take a deep breath, put on your favorite lipstick, look in the mirror and put a smile on your beautiful face and remind yourself to "pipe down!"  :)  Do it.  Let yourself out!!   

Make it a great day!!  

Thursday, June 13, 2013

8 Signs it's going to be a LONG summer.

1.  You end up in the Urgent Care Clinic on Day 1.

2.  You can't wait for bedtime...for the kid(s).

3.  You enjoy hearing the phrase, "I'm bored," so you can assign a chore you hate to do to the dummy who said that.

4.  Your kid still wakes up at 7 a happy mood even if she goes to bed late.  (My daughter wakes up like this guy! Annoying)

5.  You get boob sweat just walking to the mailbox.

6.  When you wake up in the morning and think, "should I do my hair or not because it's going to pouf up by noon?"

7.  You look for all the VBS' in town to sign up for.

8.  You can relate to grumpy cat.

Even though I'm complaining about my summer already, it's a heck of a lot better than being at work!  Thank God it's going to be a LONG summer. 

 Make it a great day!

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Silence is not always golden.

Second morning in a row where I'm sitting at a blank screen, watching my cursor blink.  And blink.  And blink.  Freaking writer's block.

What's behind this mental silence?  Even my inner dialogue has stopped.  Normally, I'm "writing" in my head all day.  Lately, it's been crickets.  

Is it possible that I have nothing to complain about and therefore have nothing to say?  Is my husband right?  Do I only nag and complain?  Or is he only paying attention half the time?   Maybe he's just not asking the right questions?  How can I turn this back around and make it his fault?  :)

Women and men communicate differently.  Period.  He will go days without telling me that his brother called and had something exciting happen in his life.  Me?  If my brother calls me with good news I call my mother, my cousins, my friend and anyone who will listen.  If I try and tell my husband his response is usually, "okay."  Okay?  Really?  Don't you want to ask me any questions?  

What is so wrong with asking questions?  I think all women were born to be Private Investigators.  We want the who, what, where, when, why and how and we want it now.  Is that so wrong?  Answer the questions and we will leave you alone.  It's that easy.  I don't really need to know, I just want to be told. 

On the other hand, if we just leave them alone they will tell us in their own time.  I've never not known something I needed to know.  And if he doesn't want me to know, I usually find out.  Again, women are P.I.'s.  You don't know how many times he's been on the phone and I'm lurking around the corner trying to figure out who he's talking to and what it's about.  Or how about the, "Let me put this laundry away in the room you are talking in" maneuver.  Classic.  

Oh and I just found out from my husband that he has been reading my blog.  Hi honey!!  :)  For the record, I don't complain all the time, you just need to ask more questions so I won't be upset when I've bottled it all up that I spew it all out at once. Yes, I realize the fact that I've included you in this blog you will now respond in a sarcastic, smart ass comment, because that's how you roll.  It's your best quality.  

Hear that?  The voice in my head is back.  Makes me wonder if the voice in my head is a man and I was just asking him too many questions?  "Where are you?  What's the matter?  Why aren't you talking to me? "  He probably was thinking what most men think, "OMG, lady stopping bugging me!!  I'll talk when I want to talk!"  

Whew.  I fell much better now so I will sign off with the usual.  Make it a great day.    Ladies, get those questions answered.   Men, silence is not always golden.  


Monday, June 10, 2013

Delusional and proud of it

Ever believe in something you know isn't real but it doesn't seem to matter?

For most people it starts off with Santa Claus.  Growing up we never were taught to believe in Santa but I was secretly convinced he was real because why else would my parents hide him from me?  What's so wrong with believing that a jolly, fat man in a red suit flies around the world in one night giving toys to all the good boys and girls?  I guess I was a bit of a conspiracy theorist even then.  The Government/Mom & Dad didn't want me to find out he was real for some reason so they tried in vain to diminish his existence, just like the Aliens and Area 51.  But why?  Maybe because I was such a good kid he would give me all the presents and leave the other kids coal?  It could happen.  

My current obsession/fantasy is those damn mermaids from the Animal Planet "Documentary."  It makes sense to me in some weird way that it can't be fake.  I'm so convinced, I want to charter a boat, hire a team of scientists and find them myself.  People think I'm nuts.  

Why is being a bit delusional not okay?

I like delusion.  It gets me through the day sometimes.  It that's that warm, fuzzy feeling I get walking around thinking I'm the cutest thing on 2 flip flops and yoga pants.  It's that certainty that I sound just like, if not better than, Whitney Houston as I sing along in the car.  It's that feeling depicted below:

Believing in something that isn't real is a way of life for me.  It's faith.  I believe I have everything under control, I believe great things will happen, and I believe that a wonderful change is coming. Just because I doubt myself every day doesn't mean I know what I'm talking about.  Things are not always as they seem.  They can't be.  I refuse to believe this is it for me.  I'd rather believe in something that isn't real, than walk around thinking reality kicked my ass.  To those who read this, other than my mother, so what?  So what if your life sucks right now?  So what if you hate your job?  So what if your kids are fighting?  So what if you feel a little fat?  So what if you are fat?  Get delusional and believe in something that isn't real.  Yet.  Believe that things will change and find away to make them happen because living in faith is a whole lot better than the living in doubt and fear.  

I heard someone say once that the opposite of faith was reason.  That the act of faith was delusional because you were believing in something that didn't exist or was without evidence.  To them I say, "suck it, doubters!"  I'm going to get delusional and there is nothing you can do about it.  Go ahead and live in your "reality" and I'll live in mine.  

I choose to believe until I am.  Will you?

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Energy Saving Mode

Ahh, Sunday morning.  Nothing better than waking up after 8 a.m. to smell of fresh coffee and pancakes.  Thanks to my hubby who busted out his inner wife and took care of us.  

Today I have nothing on the agenda other than going to the pool and reading a book.  (Yes, I have a book.  I'm trying something new out.)  :)  I do have to go to the grocery store but I may save that for tomorrow since I have no real job!  Woohoo!  I bet I can scrounge up something with the stuff we have in the cabinets and fridge.  I just had the most brilliant idea ever!  I'll pretend I'm on an episode of "Chopped" and see what I can come up with.  Andrea's special surprise coming right up!

So here's to not doing much today.  I think it's important to just sit still and recharge every once in awhile.  This includes writing.  I'm going to spend the day with my family.  I hope you do too!  

Make it a great day!

Saturday, June 8, 2013


Good Morning Sunshine.

I have been 6:00 a.m. thanks to my daughter's inability to sleep late.  She's up, she's thirsty, she's dramatic.  I'm waiting for the day that she has decided that sleep is a valuable asset.  I love sleep.  I could sleep now.

Yesterday was the first day of summer break and we started it off with a bang!  We ended up in the Urgent Care clinic getting X-rays of her wrist and elbow.  She was playing with her cousin, fell off the bed and landed on top of it.  It sounded like it hurt and she complained about it all afternoon so off we went.  I know people who walked around on broken feet before going to get it checked out so I wasn't taking chances.  Better safe than sorry.

Keep in mind that every injury in her life is serious.  Seriously, over-dramatic.  She can have a mosquito bite and not only will it require ointment and a band-aid, but it will cause sleeplessness because the "itching won't stop!"  The said  sleeplessness will then turn to exhaustion which will quickly turn into what my husband has so lovingly called, "Cwhining."  It's half cry, half whine, mostly annoying.   I am not looking forward to her first set of menstrual cramps.  I bet we will be in the hospital because her "insides are being torn apart."

The other day she went to my cousin's house after school where one of her twin baby cousin's toenails poked her in the knee and scratched her.  Not only was she wearing a band-aid when I got home but she limped up the stairs as if she had one leg shorter than the other.  I thought for sure she was going to request a tetanus shot from the urgent care Dr. while we were there because she kept going on and on that this hadn't been "her week."

The Dr came in he examined her arm, moved it all around, and sent her for X-rays "just in case" but I knew he was thinking there was nothing wrong with her after his exam.  I tried not to laugh when he asked her on a scale of 1-10 how bad her pain level was and she said 7.  I wasn't even at a 7 when I gave birth to her.  Homegirl, is in for a rude awakening.  

In the end she was fine, just a minor sprain that was wrapped and she was sent on her way.  As I tucked her into bed last night she questioned why I hadn't "elevated her injury" within the first few hours like the discharge forms had instructed us to do?  I tried not to roll my eyes and said she could do it now if she wanted and said goodnight to Little Miss Drama Mama.

Today, she's over it and on to the next drama.  So far, it's been why we don't have a 3 hole puncher so she can put her sketches in a binder, her room is so messy and needs to be cleaned but doesn't want to do it, and other things that aren't even worth remembering.  Should be a fun summer.

Friday, June 7, 2013

Jump with me

When was the last time you took a leap of faith?

For me it was this week when I quit my job because I couldn't take it any more.  Now that I did it, I'm scared.  Scared but excited to see what my future holds.  I even took an online aptitude test to see what I was supposed to be doing with my life.  You know what that crazy test told me?  Be in a creative capacity like a writer, journalist or in advertising.  That's what I was going to school for in the first place many moons ago.  So why have I been wasting my time working for a call center.  Short answer, bills.  

Don't get me wrong, I do want to go back to school and finish, but again I'm scared.  Scared to be the oldest lady in class using a backpack when all the "cool kids" are using a satchel.  What if they won't want to be in my study group?  When I was in college I took a writing class and one of my classmates was a Band Booster Parent from my High School marching band.  I remember thinking how old he was with his beard and gray hair and pants pulled up to his armpits.  Now that I think of it, he was my age now!!  Okay, maybe he was a bit older but still.  He did not fit in.  Will they think I'm as nerdy as I thought he was?  Mr. Archuleta, (Note to self: Don't introduce yourself as Mrs. So-and-So), would try so hard to fit in class by telling jokes about his time in "Nam".  Mr. Archuleta, Vietnam was not a laughing matter.  I just know I would be that lady talking about her love for Kirk Cameron and "Jem and the Holograms," that they would just stare at me like I was from another planet.  The 80's.  

When I started this blog I was on a mission to find myself.  I don't really think I need to look any further.  I don't want to be a puppeteer, a chef, stripper, Walmart Greeter or any of the things I put on the list of things to try.  I've changed my mind and as a woman, it's my prerogative.  Enter a Pre-Whitney, Dancing Bobby Brown.  Oh no, another 80's reference.  I'm screwed.

My "Ah-ha" moment leaves me wondering about everyone else out there reading this entry.  What's your dream?  What's your "I don't want to die a failure" thorn in your side?  Some people just know off the bat what they are supposed to do with their lives some people don't want to tell what it is.  I know I want to write.  I don't know how, or for whom, or if Mr. Archuleta will be there by side.  I just know I need to try.  

Jump with me and post in my comments section what you want to try and take a leap of faith.  Put it out there in the universe and let's see what happens.  Jump!  Jump!! Jump!!!  I dare you to and make it a great day!  :)

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Running late....

Last day of school and I woke up LATE!  Thank God this is the last day we have to do this for awhile.

Needless to say I didn't have time to write this morning so in the mean time, please enjoy this video of my husband dancing as a child.  :)  Just kidding.  I just love this little Latin love muffin!!

Make it a great day!

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Playing charades

I officially quit my job yesterday.

I had the "enough is enough" moment with myself.  I couldn't do it any more.  Being unhappy and stressed is not a way to live.  Especially when you live with other people.  My daughter is so excited to be able to spend the summer together instead of watching TV by herself and having to tip toe around the house as I worked.

Working in a call center is brutal.  Yes, I was lucky to have a job but that job was annoying.  Blah, blah, blah.  I'm relieved that I'm no longer going to have to try and figure out what these people wanted.  "Is it a shirt?  Do you button it?  What color was is it?"  It's like playing charades with a grandma you've never met.   Two words.  Sounds like.  OMG, what is it already?  Call me back when you know what you want.

I am going to miss the prank callers though.  They really livened up my work day.  My favorite one through out the years was the teenage boy who wanted to order a big steaming, hot bag of dog shit at 4 a.m.  Being an expert at quality customer service that I am, I asked him what color he wanted.  Fair question considering my line of work.  He paused for a moment, we've been trained to not engage them, and said I could pick.  I asked him what color his eyes were and if he was a summer or an autumn.  It threw him off so much he just hung up on me.  It made me laugh so long by myself in my home office.  To the teenage comedians calling grown folks while they are trying to do the job they hate, stop it please.  You are not funny.  You are annoying and wasting my time.  I need to get back to playing charades.

Things I'm not going to miss:

  1. Caller calls in to make a payment but they don't have their credit card with them.  It's in their purse in their car.
  2. Caller wants their questions answered but refuses to let you answer the question.
  3. Customer says their credit card was charged without their authorization but THEY called to order the item.  
  4. Customer yells at you for not receiving packages or bills for over a year.  Never informed us of their change of address.  
  5. Last call before your shift is over, caller is upset and wants to speak to your supervisor.  No supervisor on the the headset and caller will not take a call back.  

To all of you still out there in the call center world, my headset/hat is off to you.  Keep doing that work with a smile because you are the backbone of the company.  It's certainly not the head honchos setting unrealistic goals for AHT who never took a single call.  Remember to take a deep breath and don't let those crazy people take your joy.

Make it a great day!

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Busy work

I'm off to my daughter's 3rd grade ceremony and I ran out of time to write. Well truth be told, I had a glass bottle of wine with my husband last night and fell asleep in my clothes from the day.  I didn't even know I was tired.  I guess technically, I was slightly wined up but it sounds better to say I was sleepy.  

On the bright side, I'm already dressed to take her to school.  :) 

It's going to be a busy day for me since my husband is off today as well.  That means I'm not going to have a chance to sit around and watch TV or be a slacker.  (He can't see me leave all my household chores for the last possible second and do the 4pm scramble.  That would be absurd).  He's such a busy body, that if he's moving I feel like I have to be moving too.  Why can't he just sit still and relax?  This man goes out looking for things to do.  Once he trimmed the grass that was growing on the street.  Seems normal enough, until you know it wasn't even our street.  Oy.  Is it wrong for me to send him on a time wasting project? That would be my equivalent to busy work in school.  Anyone have a street that needs edging?  :)

"Any-who", I leave you with this funny video I saw on Jimmy Fallon this morning as I whipped together a quiche and guzzled down my coffee.  Watch the cymbal player.  He is my new favorite "think on your feet" guy.  Cut to 1:06 if you are running out of time.  I hope if I'm ever in his shoes I react in such a cool, classy manner.  Okay, then.  Off to find some busy work.  Here's to a good day.  May you too know when to salute should things get tricky today.  

Make it a great day!  

Monday, June 3, 2013

Face the facts

Trying to get motivated to do something you don't want to do is difficult.  For me that something is exercise.  I don't want to "move it, move it," shove my big boobs in a sports bra, and/or sweat.  I just don't wanna, but I know eventually I'm going to have to.  

Why is loosing weight so difficult and why do skinny bitches say, "it's not if you try?"  You know what little lady, you try going to the gym and not feeling like everyone is staring at you.  It's humiliating.  Here I am in my baggiest shirt, the faded workout pants I usually clean in, sweating like a pig on the treadmill, head down and you're wearing your cute motivational tees with matching tennis shoes running like Bo Derek with braids on the beach.  We get it.  You're perfect.  You're a "10."

I had a gym membership last year and went about 6 times before I gave up.  The first time I went with my friend.  That was really fun.  We talked the whole time so it went by very fast.  Only problem was, I was tried to act like I wasn't completely out of shape that I really over did it.  I couldn't walk for a week.  I could't even sit on the toilet without whimpering and walking was out of the question.  I wanted to use my office chair like a wheelchair but I had to act tough in front of my family so that was a "no go."  I think we went 2 more times together before our work schedules conflicted.  I tried to go it alone but felt so alone.  Go figure.  

I tried Zumba once.  That was the first time I remember feeling like an old lady.  When your 7 year old laughs at your dancing ablilities, while you think you look as sexy as you did in your twenties, I think it's time to step away from the Zumba toning sticks and call it a day.  Or at least, never take your kid with you again.  Though I wonder, if the fruit of my loins laughed at me, what were the other people thinking?  Zumba -1, Andrea-0.

The funniest thing I ever tried was strip aerobics.  I ordered a DVD from Amazon and when it came in the mail I was so excited.  I was gonna get hot by getting hot and sweaty.  Wrong!  This crazy under dressed lady expected me to use my kitchen chair in ways that it was not intended for.  Carmen Electra, you ought to be ashamed of yourself.  Naughty girl.  

That brings me to today.  What am I going to do about my big butt?  Certainly not sit on it.  I can't live with the "secretary spread" forever.  I'm think I'm going to put on my iPod and go for a walk.  I may call you to pick me up in 15 minutes but I'm going to at least try it.  Hopefully I will walk away the frustration and uncertainties in life.  Count my calories and my blessings.  Put on a happy face  and face the facts.  I'm only as old as I act.  Today, I'm going to act like I have it all together and get out in the world and take a giant leap of faith.  Greater things are coming.  I can feel it.  Do you think it would be okay to celebrate their impending arrival with cake?  No?  Okay, I'll go for a walk.   Make it a great day everyone. 

Sunday, June 2, 2013

You go Girl...

Today is my best friend in the whole wide world's birthday. Her name is Robyn.  She has been my rock since the 7th grade.  Since Z Cavaricchi's and Girbaud's were cool, since "Electric Youth' was not only a song on the radio but a perfume.  Before first loves, first kisses, first heart breaks, first anythings.  She has been there for it all.  The good, the bad, the ridiculous and the unmentionable.  Seriously, don't mention it.  :)  

Here are my top 5 reasons why you need a best friend in your life:

  1. They can keep a secret:  This is the one person you can tell your deepest, darkest secrets to and they will keep it with them until the grave or put them in your file.  Only she knows who you love the most, hate with a passion and want to smack the crap out of but smile at instead.  She knows this with just one glance or eye roll.      
  2. They speak your language:  Not everybody knows what "I guess," "ja bitte," "what's next, get gas," or "Victims," really mean and they shouldn't.  Over the years, we've created a pretty unique way of speaking to one another where not saying much can say it all.  She knows what to say to make me feel better in an instant and knows when to just sit back and listen.   I think she knows more than my poor, stupid husband!  
  3. You can support each other's bodily functions:  The phrase "I pooped" is met with a round of applause and cheers like a proud mommy potty training her kid or puppy.  Who else understands the importance of a good BM?  Plus you have the added benefit of always having a spare tampon around because your cycles have synced up.  BONUS!!
  4. You can travel cross country with each other and not run out of things to talk about:  Seriously?  Did we ever stop talking or singing during that 2400 mile trip I drove?  Yes, I drove the entire way because I needed to be in charge and you needed to not drive.  LOL  And because of reason # 1.  :)
  5. You enjoy each other's company:  We joke about the days when our husbands have died and we can finally have that cottage on the beach we've always dreamed of.   Where we can sit on the beach with our coffee in the morning, our wine at night, and laugh together about all the dumb things we've done.  Our husbands even know about our plan and don't think it's strange.  How great is that?  Seriously, I can't wait.  "I want to go now!" 

It's hard to find people to trust and when you do, cherish them.  Tell them you love them, support them no matter what and always have their backs.  

Happy birthday "Miss Priss."  You are the Romy to my Michelle, The Ace to my Base, The Fiona to my Apple.  I love you and can't imagine my life without you.  

Everyone else, call your BFF and tell them you love them. 

Make it a great day!!    

Saturday, June 1, 2013


Why is being a mom so freaking exhausting?

This is there first moment I've had all day to sit and write.  It sucks.  You know you need a break, when you tell your family you have to go to the bathroom when you don't, just so you have somewhere to sit in peace.  That silence is usually interrupted by little fingers under neath the door, questions about where things are or dogs scratching to come in.   Leave me alone.  I'm pretend pooping!  

Today was one of those days.  

First it was the weekly trip to hell AKA the grocery store.  I always grab the stupid cart with the wonky wheel that veers to the right.  My walk naturally veers the left so it's a constant battle.  If I do happen to get a good cart, I usually have to empty the last persons trash from it.  Slobs.  Then it's struggle to get down the aisle without running into the lady who is blocking traffic on her cell phone wearing that horrible, "ay mija no" outfit.  Ma'am, I don't need to see your muffin top as I shop for muffins, thank you very much.  Tell your homie you will call them back later and move out of my way!  After navigating the narrow aisles, a sense of relief falls on me as I head to the registers.  Until I see the lines.  What the heck is up with the lines?  If there are 20 something registers, why not have them ALL open?  It can't be that hard.  Oh and Cashier person, stop talking about your weekend and check me out, and please don't give me an ugly look when I turn the corner and have a full cart.   Yes, I do have this many items for you to scan and the faster you do it the sooner I will leave you alone.  Capisce? 

After the food run, I still have to unload, put away and reorganize the kitchen when I get home.  Then it's time for those ravenous beasts to eat again!  Seriously?  I have to feed you again?  Didn't you eat already today?  I haven't even had time to shower and you want to eat.  Okay, then.  So I make the lunch, feed them AND do the dishes too?  Sometimes I wish I could skip a few steps and just hand them the full plastic grocery bags from the car and have them eat straight from there. 

That's not all.  You know there is laundry to be done.  There is always laundry to be done.  I know it's payback from when I was a child, but does my daughter really need to put everything in her laundry basket rather than put it away?  Really, kid?  Just fold it and put it away so I don't have to hear you say you have nothing to wear.  It's that simple.  (Mother, I am well aware of the fact that this is the same conversation we had when I was her age but it's different.)  

There is so much more I can complain about today's activities but I will spare you my rant.  Needless to say this why this blog is so late.  Thanks to all of you who emailed, sent texts and called me wondering if I was still asleep.  No, not asleep just busy doing the things you all were probably doing.  

Now, here it is nearly 10 pm, my house is once again quiet and it's just me and the hubby.  You know what that means?  

Ain't life grand?