Sunday, June 9, 2013

Energy Saving Mode

Ahh, Sunday morning.  Nothing better than waking up after 8 a.m. to smell of fresh coffee and pancakes.  Thanks to my hubby who busted out his inner wife and took care of us.  

Today I have nothing on the agenda other than going to the pool and reading a book.  (Yes, I have a book.  I'm trying something new out.)  :)  I do have to go to the grocery store but I may save that for tomorrow since I have no real job!  Woohoo!  I bet I can scrounge up something with the stuff we have in the cabinets and fridge.  I just had the most brilliant idea ever!  I'll pretend I'm on an episode of "Chopped" and see what I can come up with.  Andrea's special surprise coming right up!

So here's to not doing much today.  I think it's important to just sit still and recharge every once in awhile.  This includes writing.  I'm going to spend the day with my family.  I hope you do too!  

Make it a great day!

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