Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Be brave and let your "special" sparkle.

Staying home with my daughter this summer has been the biggest gift I've ever given myself.  She's 9 going on 16 and I wish time would just stand still for one moment so I can savor every moment I have with her.  We have been making life-long memories, talking about everything under the sun as it darkens our skin by the pool.

The other day we were talking about puberty and all the scary things that come with raising a "tween" as she calls herself and it had me in a panic as to how fast time has flown by.   I distinctly remember when she was just about 3 weeks old, laying in our bed because that was the only way to get her to stop crying.  I un-swaddled her pink blankets and put her teeny tiny foot into the palm of my hand and closed it.  It was so small, soft and fragile.  I told myself to remember that moment because she wouldn't be this little forever.  Now that same little baby is nearly my height, wearing a size 4 shoe and starting to become a young lady.  Sometimes when she's sleeping I go into her room and put her pedicured foot in my hand and wonder, who will she become?  What do I want her to know about me?  What do I need to tell her so she doesn't make the same mistakes I did?  This blog is for her.   


  1. GOD IS ALWAYS THE ANSWER  One thing I learned from my mother and if you don't learn this from me, I've failed you.  God is ALWAYS the answer.  If you don't know what to do, pray?  You don't feel well?  Pray.  Is your heart hurting?  Pray.  When you have no words.  Pray.  God will never let you down, leave you or hurt you.  He is always the way and with you even when I'm not.   
  2. CALL YOUR MOTHER EVERY DAY This is more of a commandment than something I want you to know.  :)  Just because you will leave my home one day, doesn't mean you will ever leave my heart. Even if you don't like me, I will love you.  There will come a day when I will be annoying and "don't understand you" but I'll be waiting for you on the "other side."  I can't wait to be your friend and not just your mother because you, my "pumpernickel bread" are going to be the coolest chick and not because I made you but because I know you.  So call me! 
  3. BE WEIRD...IN A GOOD WAY.    Remember to always embrace your inner weird because those differences make you special and it's that "special" makes you sparkle.    
  4. BEING INDECISIVE ISN'T A GOOD THING  Being able to make up your mind is important.  Don't be "wishy washy."  Stick to your guns, follow your heart and go for it even if it seems impossible.  You have a good head on your shoulders and can do anything you want in life so just try it.   Don't be like mommy and be paralyzed by your fears.  Take a deep breathe and jump.  You may fail but who the hell cares?  You tried and I'm proud of you for that.
  5. SPEAK YOUR MIND   This, I know will be easy for you because it's evident already.  Keep it up little mama, just keep it classy.  If you don't like something, say so.   Just say it in a respectful way.   Don't go "Jerry Springer" on anyone for any reason.  It's not cute, you will look and sound stupid and will instantly regret it.  Act like a lady not a psychopath.  Be ballsy not bitchy.
  6. TRAVEL THE WORLD I know I tell you this all the time but you just HAVE to see the world.  Save your money, grab your bffs and make a plan.  Drink wine, kiss boys, (don't tell daddy I said that) go on adventures with your girls.  Don't settle to just look at the pages in books.  See them for yourself.  Don't wait for your "bucket list," go while you can still look cute on a nude beach.  :)  You haven't lived until you've seen an old man in the buff, reading a newspaper.  Trust me.  
  7. LIVE ON YOUR OWN BEFORE YOU GET MARRIED  If you can't take care of yourself, you have no business getting married.  Don't go from our house to his house.  You need to find who you are and learn how to take care of yourself before you can be anyone's wife or mother.  Don't have any regrets by rushing into things.   
  8. GET YOUR HEART BROKEN AND BREAK SOME HEARTS  Boys suck.  They are going to break your heart, they are going to make you cry but it's worth it in the long run.  Sometimes it won't even make sense why it hurts so much.  It's perfectly normal to feel as though you are literally dying inside.  But you aren't.  Mommy had her heart broken too, I also thought I'd never recover but guess what?   I did and I did better.   That broken heart led me to daddy and that led me to you.  It's all part of the plan.  Embrace it because there is always purpose for pain.  
  9. DON'T CARE WHAT PEOPLE THINK People's opinions don't matter.  Don't worry about what they will say if you following your heart.  This isn't an excuse to go buck wild because you "don't care."  Care a little.  Care about yourself enough to carry yourself with grace and dignity. But if you ever feel the urge to  "bust a move" at the grocery store because your favorite song is on, then just do it.  Who cares?  If you want to sing out loud, then do it.  If you want wear white after labor day, go for it.  Make your own rules.  
  10. LET YOUR LIGHT SHINE   Be the light people gravitate towards.  Have a positive attitude about everything.  Don't you dare sit in the "darkness"for too long and feel sorry for yourself.  You are better than that.  If you feel like things are dimming around you.  Remember your inner sparkle, pray, and let it out.   Be brave.  (Please go to Youtube and watch this video .  It's exactly what I'm trying to say to her and to you.)    

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