Sunday, February 16, 2014

10 Movie Quotes and How They Relate to my Life

  1. "Help me, I'm poor."  - Bridesmaids  
    It's been about a month and half since I got my ass back to work.  What I initially set out to do was get a job because we needed the money and my sarcasm and sex appeal wasn't paying the bills no matter how hard I tried.  What I found is something I didn't expect so soon.  I found a teeny piece of myself.  Every once in awhile, she creeps back in the form or a stupid dance in the break room, a "Thumbs Up Thursday," or a simple chat with my co-workers where I can actually hear the old me talking again.  It's nice to be "in first class" even though I don't belong...yet.

  2. "Fear does not exist in this Dojo!"- The Karate Kid
    My first week, I had the shits.  The second, I puked.  THEN, I realized that I was allowing fear in my Dojo.  Didn't I learn anything from Daniel Son and the Cobras?  Fear does not exist if you don't let it.  I'm happy to say, my anxiety has slightly subsided and I'm able to control my insides MUCH better.
  3. "ET Phone home"- ET

    One thing I've always known, is when in doubt, call my mother.  My mom can either lift my spirits by being supportive or piss me off so bad that I have to prove her wrong.  Either way, it works.

  4. "Look at me, look at me you sloppy bitch"- Mallrats
    Guess what? I AM no longer the bra-less mom on the couch.  I had a good talk with myself about getting out of my funk and getting myself funky.  Wait...that sounds bad.  I'm not funky, I'm fresh.  I'm funky, fresh.   I wear makeup AND jewelry.  Gasp!  Jewelry too?  You go Andrea with your bad self.
  5. "I'm in a glass case of Emotion" - Anchorman
    I hate that I'm so damn emotional.  Some days I'm terrified, some days I feel like I can conquer the world.  Most days I'm right smack dab in the middle and it can go either way.  I'm teetering on the edge and I guess it's my choice as to which way I will veer.  I just need to find the right tool, and sometimes you have to break the case to get to it.
  6. "That hurt.  But it really looked good."  -Romy and Michelle's High School Reunion
    I'll just say it again, I can't live if I don't find the freaking bright side.  There is good in almost every situation.  It's almost a game for me now.  Here's a fun one, Week one and two stomach issues = no desire to eat = lose a few pounds=bright side.
  7. "Show me the money" - Jerry Maguire
    PAYDAYS!!  YAY!   That's all I have to say about that.
  8. "Have fun storming da castle!" -The Princess Bride
    If you can't have fun while you are trying to take over the world, what's the point?  Right now, I'm doing my best to figure this job out so that I can make something of myself other than a fool.  I'm getting to use my creativity and humor and getting to see your best gal pal every day is a perk.  Plus they have really good coffee.  See?  Another bright side.
  9. "Lieutenant Dan, You got new legs!" - Forrest Gump
    Like I said earlier, parts of me are coming back.  But you know what?  I've got new parts coming in to.  I'm smarter than I ever thought I was and I actually like looking at numbers.  It's amazing when you put yourself out there and try something new, how "new" you can actually feel. I don't miss my old legs.  These new ones are just right.

  10. "I'll be back" - Terminator
    I know I was writing almost every day at one point in this adventure and it was therapeutic.  I'm proud to say, I'm coming back to life and I have very little to complain about.  I guess, I'll be seeing you when I have something else to bitch about.  Until then...


Unknown said...

I am so very, very proud of you my friend. You are no longer "somaad" and instead are getting out of your comfort zone accomplishing things the rest of us knew you were capable of. Love you!

Unknown said...

Love #1 LOL