Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Playing charades

I officially quit my job yesterday.

I had the "enough is enough" moment with myself.  I couldn't do it any more.  Being unhappy and stressed is not a way to live.  Especially when you live with other people.  My daughter is so excited to be able to spend the summer together instead of watching TV by herself and having to tip toe around the house as I worked.

Working in a call center is brutal.  Yes, I was lucky to have a job but that job was annoying.  Blah, blah, blah.  I'm relieved that I'm no longer going to have to try and figure out what these people wanted.  "Is it a shirt?  Do you button it?  What color was is it?"  It's like playing charades with a grandma you've never met.   Two words.  Sounds like.  OMG, what is it already?  Call me back when you know what you want.

I am going to miss the prank callers though.  They really livened up my work day.  My favorite one through out the years was the teenage boy who wanted to order a big steaming, hot bag of dog shit at 4 a.m.  Being an expert at quality customer service that I am, I asked him what color he wanted.  Fair question considering my line of work.  He paused for a moment, we've been trained to not engage them, and said I could pick.  I asked him what color his eyes were and if he was a summer or an autumn.  It threw him off so much he just hung up on me.  It made me laugh so long by myself in my home office.  To the teenage comedians calling grown folks while they are trying to do the job they hate, stop it please.  You are not funny.  You are annoying and wasting my time.  I need to get back to playing charades.

Things I'm not going to miss:

  1. Caller calls in to make a payment but they don't have their credit card with them.  It's in their purse in their car.
  2. Caller wants their questions answered but refuses to let you answer the question.
  3. Customer says their credit card was charged without their authorization but THEY called to order the item.  
  4. Customer yells at you for not receiving packages or bills for over a year.  Never informed us of their change of address.  
  5. Last call before your shift is over, caller is upset and wants to speak to your supervisor.  No supervisor on the the headset and caller will not take a call back.  

To all of you still out there in the call center world, my headset/hat is off to you.  Keep doing that work with a smile because you are the backbone of the company.  It's certainly not the head honchos setting unrealistic goals for AHT who never took a single call.  Remember to take a deep breath and don't let those crazy people take your joy.

Make it a great day!


Anonymous said...

Whhhhaaaattttttt???? I wish I could quit.....

Sher said...

But you're going to miss me, right?

Andrea Schmandrea said...

I am going to miss you Sherri! The people who worked there were the best part.