Sunday, June 30, 2013


I know, I know.  I haven't written in awhile.  Four days to be exact.  But who's counting?  (Mother.)  

So today I was thinking about how easily I get distracted and it hit me.  My dad was right!  I never learned to finish what I started.  He would tell me over and over again, "Just finish what you start" and I never got it until today.  My life has been one big "If you give a Moose a Muffin" adventure. (Moms with small kids, you'll get that reference.)   

This is one thing that drives me nuts about myself.  I can't seem to finish what I start at one sitting.  I have to start something else.  It's almost like Restless Leg Syndrome for the brain.  I'll call it "WMS," or "Wandering Mind Syndrome."  I made that up so don't google it because you'll be looking for a long time.  And if you are like me, chances are you'll find an article that sounds like WMS so you'll click on it and start to read the comments and stumble across a link to WebMD.   You'll click that link and see the link for Symptom Checker and remember your ankle's been hurting all morning and you need to see if it's broken.  So you click on that to diagnose your ankle condition.   When you are answering the Symptom Checker Questions it'll ask "is it swollen?" so you'll need to look down at your feet to be sure.  When you do, you'll realize you need to re-polish your toenails.  You'll walk to the bathroom and notice you are out of cotton balls so you'll have to call your husband, who is at the grocery store.  When you are on the phone with him you'll remember you didn't add toilet paper to the list so you'll tell him.  Then he'll ask the dreaded, "Anything else?" question and you'll wander through the pantry and house to double check.  While you are wandering you'll come across the light coming from the laptop and then it will hit you.  Weren't you doing something earlier?  Oh yeah, you were writing your blog before you got distracted.  

It is so frustrating to be this scatter brained.  If I was brave enough, I'd show you all drafts for blog topics I have started so you'd understand just how ridiculous my problem was.  It's so bad that this wasn't really the topic I was intending to write about today.  I will save that for another day. 

I can't be alone on this.  I think it's a woman/mom thing.  At least, I hope I'm not the only one who does this?  Maybe I should get checked out for something worse?  Is WebMd still open?  Maybe I should call the doctor? That reminds me, I need to call the dentist.  Oh crap, we need toothpaste! Where's my phone?  Agh, I need to charge it!!  Oy vey, I did it again.

I better get a move on before I go crazy.  I hope you have a great day!  :)

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