Sunday, February 23, 2014

The song remembers when...

This morning I was cleaning up the breakfast dishes, hands deep in the water while listening to Pandora.  I like to put some music on to take away the pain of doing the mundane.  Anyway, there I was scrubbing pancake batter off the pyrex measuring cup, minding my own damn business when a song came on and immediately jolted me back 20 years in 2 bars.  Eff you Pandora and your voodoo magic powers.  How dare you get all up in my business and remind me of that dumb ass heart-broken teenage girl?  She is long gone, but right here at the same time.  

Do you ever wonder about your first loves?  What they are up to and what they look like and if they ever think about you?  I think it's completely normal and whether it's healthy or not, I don't know.  I'm not a therapist or even slightly qualified to make that declaration, but that has never stopped me before.  I think there a lot of happily married women out there, who like me, day dream about their husbands and smile just thinking about him, but every once in a while something triggers a feeling you thought you forgot about.  My trigger was just pulled and I blame Dave Matthews for feeling a long lost sadness wash over me.  When it was over, I thought to myself, "Self, I don't think you are alone.  I think others do it too but don't want to admit it!"  I decided to sit down and see if anyone else had the balls to say they were with me.  Anyone?  What's your song?  

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