Monday, June 24, 2013

Choose or Lose

It's amazing how one song can take you places you haven't been in years.  One smell, one touch, one taste.  Our senses serve as little triggers that sometimes shouldn't be pulled.  This has me wondering...when is it okay to reminisce and when is is time to build a bridge and just get over it?

There are 2 types of "sense triggers" that affect me.  I will call them "Nostalgia and Lamentation."  I am very easily transported by these bad boys.   I wonder what that says about me?  Don't answer that.  :)

I had everybody's favorite, "the Nostalgic moment", this morning as I dropped off my daughter off at the VBS I used to go to as a child.  It was so refreshing going in to the Church I grew up in.  The smell was the same, the look was familiar, almost like home.  For a moment, time stood still and I was the 9 year old little girl going in myself. 

 I love these moments.  The happiness, the joy, the laughter that comes over you.  Just like a few days ago, when I was driving in the car, flipping through radio stations and I stumbled across a song that made my heart smile.  It was, "Querida" by Juan Gabriel.  This song reminds of Eternity by Calvin Klein, Kmart and Martha Stewart.  Confused?  Let me explain.  Back in the day, when I was first dating my husband, I asked him to go with me to look at Martha Stewart's line of crafting scissors at Kmart.  (Hot date alert!)  At that time he was willing to go anywhere with me just to have a chance breathe the same air as me.  This song came on over their loud speaker and he started singing it down the aisles the same way Juan Gabriel does it.   You have to watch this video and smile with me.  I knew he was the man for me when he pounded his fists on his chest and serenaded me like a total dork and didn't care who saw. Granted he didn't do it as "fem" as this but still, it was awesome!

I have to be honest.  Most of the time it's that A-hole "Lamentation" that gets me going.  It knows exactly how to creep in and mess with my head if I let it.  I think it's because I'm naturally a "dwelller."  I dwell on a fault.  I dwell on why certain things happened to me growing up?  From why people you love can hurt you so bad to why I cut my hair so short when I know I hate drying it?  I'm even dwelling about why am I writing about dwelling?

I think it's time for me to build a big ass bridge and walk my happy butt over it.  There is no need for me to harp on the same old crap over and over again.  I know there is a chance I may get "lost in a moment" and walk back over the bridge.  I may see a picture of my grandma that makes me miss her more.  I may find myself sniffing a baby and regretting the fact that I didn't have another child.  I may even hear that damn Trisha Yearwood song that takes me back to 1999 again but it's my choice to decide which way I'm going.  

It will always be my intention to choose joy over pain.  I strive to choose love over hate, forgiveness over holding grudges.  It's my choice just as much as it is yours.  Let's start the day by making it a good one.  Okay?

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