Tuesday, June 25, 2013


(Update:  I realize this entry looks funny.  I'm out of time to fix it so, my bad.)

Last week I put a request out there to see if anyone was really reading this blog and to my surprise it wasn't just my mother.  So to those of you who took the time to ask me some questions, a big thank you.   

Today I'm going to answer a few of them.  Here we go.
  • Why do my kids wake up so early in the summer?  I don't know.  Next question please.  Just kidding. Here is my theory on this one.  You are a good mom, whose kids are well rested.  If they were exhausted and not getting the proper amount of sleep their bodies would keep them asleep.  I knew a mom whose kids slept really late all the time, like noon, and I couldn't understand why.  Then one day she told me how they didn't put the kids to bed until the kids felt like it, didn't take naps and just ran wild throughout the day.  There was no real set guideline at their home so the kids slept FOREVER.  This may be good for the parents but the kids?  Not so much.  Here's what the Mayo clinic has to say about how many hours kids should be sleeping.  If your kids get the right amount and are well rested, the butt crack of dawn may just be their waking time.  Unfortunately for you, and me, we may have to wait until the kids are lazy, hormonal teenagers and rather sleep than hang out with their boring parents.  Keep up the good work!  
How many hours of sleep are enough for good health?


from Timothy Morgenthaler, M.D.
The amount of sleep you need depends on various factors — especially your age. Consider these general guidelines for different age groups:
Age groupRecommended amount of sleep
Infants9-10 hours at night, plus 3 or more hours of naps
Toddlers9-10 hours at night, plus 2-3 hours of naps
School-age children9-11 hours
Adults7-8 hours
  • Is there such a thing as a perfect marriage?  Nope, only on T.V.  Marriage is tough.  It takes work from both sides and there will be times you aren't going to like the person you have committed to for the REST OF YOUR LIFE.   You may even want to punch the crap out of them or spit in their coffee.  (I've only done that once j/k.)   It's not about those moments, because they will pass.  It's about realizing that you made a deal with that person and to yourself to work it out, in sickness and in health and all that jazz.  You pay your car payment on time because you made a deal with the finance company that you would so why not take that approach to marriage.  A deal is a deal.

    Now I'm not dumb enough to not realize that for some people divorce is the only solution.  It happens and it's okay.  If you made that decision, it's because it was it was your decision and I respect you whole-heartedly for knowing yourself well enough to realize that you needed or deserved more.  You go girl.  
Well that's about all the time I have today, because my wonderful husband is off from work today and is bugging me to hurry up.  (Do you hear the excitement in my voice?)  His exact words were, "must be nice to sit there and write" as he walked be me to insinuate that I needed to get a move on because we have plans.  His passive aggressive "must be nice" is the equivalent to my "bless your heart" or my uber famous, "I'm fine."  Until next time loyal readers and random creepers.  :)  Make it a great day!  
***Disclaimer:  I am no way an expert on any subject, or have any business dispensing advice  unless you want to know about the Real Housewives Franchise.  Please take my advise with a grain of salt and toss it over your shoulder for good luck.***

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