Friday, June 21, 2013

Tan Mom?

The other day I mentioned that I would be willing to take some spare children so my child would have someone to play with and my wish was granted.  Yay me!  I am taking my daughter and her friend to the pool...again.  I swear, by the end of the summer I'm going to look like Tan Mom.

Tan much?

After that we are attempting to make a recipe we found on Pinterest for "Glittery Grapes".  Apparently, you roll washed grapes in Lime Jello and refrigerate for an hour and VIOLA that's it.  You have Glittery Grapes.

I know this is a lame blog entry, but it's Friday and I'm allowed to be lame.  So enjoy your day, your weekend, enjoy your life.

Make it a great day!

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