Thursday, June 20, 2013


I woke up with a terrible headache this morning.  Not sure if it's allergies or just the usual lack of sleep because once everyone goes to bed it's my time to catch up on all the shows I recorded throughout the day.  I can't watch regular TV anymore because the lack of fast forward capabilities really pisses me off.   What did we do before the DVR?  I can't even remember.  I don't even want to.  I'm so dependent on this technology, that sometimes when I'm in the car listening to the radio, if I miss something they said I get mad that I can't rewind it.  When is radio going to join the rest of the world?  I wish I was smart enough to invent Radio DVR.  If any of you do it, can I get credit for the idea?  

Needless to say, I'm so thankful that my daughter is going to her friends house for the day so I'm going to run to the grocery store, prep for dinner and maybe get a nap in sometime today.  For now, I'm going to close all the blinds and try another cup of coffee to relieve this pressure.  

Make it a great day!!

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