Sunday, June 2, 2013

You go Girl...

Today is my best friend in the whole wide world's birthday. Her name is Robyn.  She has been my rock since the 7th grade.  Since Z Cavaricchi's and Girbaud's were cool, since "Electric Youth' was not only a song on the radio but a perfume.  Before first loves, first kisses, first heart breaks, first anythings.  She has been there for it all.  The good, the bad, the ridiculous and the unmentionable.  Seriously, don't mention it.  :)  

Here are my top 5 reasons why you need a best friend in your life:

  1. They can keep a secret:  This is the one person you can tell your deepest, darkest secrets to and they will keep it with them until the grave or put them in your file.  Only she knows who you love the most, hate with a passion and want to smack the crap out of but smile at instead.  She knows this with just one glance or eye roll.      
  2. They speak your language:  Not everybody knows what "I guess," "ja bitte," "what's next, get gas," or "Victims," really mean and they shouldn't.  Over the years, we've created a pretty unique way of speaking to one another where not saying much can say it all.  She knows what to say to make me feel better in an instant and knows when to just sit back and listen.   I think she knows more than my poor, stupid husband!  
  3. You can support each other's bodily functions:  The phrase "I pooped" is met with a round of applause and cheers like a proud mommy potty training her kid or puppy.  Who else understands the importance of a good BM?  Plus you have the added benefit of always having a spare tampon around because your cycles have synced up.  BONUS!!
  4. You can travel cross country with each other and not run out of things to talk about:  Seriously?  Did we ever stop talking or singing during that 2400 mile trip I drove?  Yes, I drove the entire way because I needed to be in charge and you needed to not drive.  LOL  And because of reason # 1.  :)
  5. You enjoy each other's company:  We joke about the days when our husbands have died and we can finally have that cottage on the beach we've always dreamed of.   Where we can sit on the beach with our coffee in the morning, our wine at night, and laugh together about all the dumb things we've done.  Our husbands even know about our plan and don't think it's strange.  How great is that?  Seriously, I can't wait.  "I want to go now!" 

It's hard to find people to trust and when you do, cherish them.  Tell them you love them, support them no matter what and always have their backs.  

Happy birthday "Miss Priss."  You are the Romy to my Michelle, The Ace to my Base, The Fiona to my Apple.  I love you and can't imagine my life without you.  

Everyone else, call your BFF and tell them you love them. 

Make it a great day!!    

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