Saturday, June 1, 2013


Why is being a mom so freaking exhausting?

This is there first moment I've had all day to sit and write.  It sucks.  You know you need a break, when you tell your family you have to go to the bathroom when you don't, just so you have somewhere to sit in peace.  That silence is usually interrupted by little fingers under neath the door, questions about where things are or dogs scratching to come in.   Leave me alone.  I'm pretend pooping!  

Today was one of those days.  

First it was the weekly trip to hell AKA the grocery store.  I always grab the stupid cart with the wonky wheel that veers to the right.  My walk naturally veers the left so it's a constant battle.  If I do happen to get a good cart, I usually have to empty the last persons trash from it.  Slobs.  Then it's struggle to get down the aisle without running into the lady who is blocking traffic on her cell phone wearing that horrible, "ay mija no" outfit.  Ma'am, I don't need to see your muffin top as I shop for muffins, thank you very much.  Tell your homie you will call them back later and move out of my way!  After navigating the narrow aisles, a sense of relief falls on me as I head to the registers.  Until I see the lines.  What the heck is up with the lines?  If there are 20 something registers, why not have them ALL open?  It can't be that hard.  Oh and Cashier person, stop talking about your weekend and check me out, and please don't give me an ugly look when I turn the corner and have a full cart.   Yes, I do have this many items for you to scan and the faster you do it the sooner I will leave you alone.  Capisce? 

After the food run, I still have to unload, put away and reorganize the kitchen when I get home.  Then it's time for those ravenous beasts to eat again!  Seriously?  I have to feed you again?  Didn't you eat already today?  I haven't even had time to shower and you want to eat.  Okay, then.  So I make the lunch, feed them AND do the dishes too?  Sometimes I wish I could skip a few steps and just hand them the full plastic grocery bags from the car and have them eat straight from there. 

That's not all.  You know there is laundry to be done.  There is always laundry to be done.  I know it's payback from when I was a child, but does my daughter really need to put everything in her laundry basket rather than put it away?  Really, kid?  Just fold it and put it away so I don't have to hear you say you have nothing to wear.  It's that simple.  (Mother, I am well aware of the fact that this is the same conversation we had when I was her age but it's different.)  

There is so much more I can complain about today's activities but I will spare you my rant.  Needless to say this why this blog is so late.  Thanks to all of you who emailed, sent texts and called me wondering if I was still asleep.  No, not asleep just busy doing the things you all were probably doing.  

Now, here it is nearly 10 pm, my house is once again quiet and it's just me and the hubby.  You know what that means?  

Ain't life grand?  

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