Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Silence is not always golden.

Second morning in a row where I'm sitting at a blank screen, watching my cursor blink.  And blink.  And blink.  Freaking writer's block.

What's behind this mental silence?  Even my inner dialogue has stopped.  Normally, I'm "writing" in my head all day.  Lately, it's been crickets.  

Is it possible that I have nothing to complain about and therefore have nothing to say?  Is my husband right?  Do I only nag and complain?  Or is he only paying attention half the time?   Maybe he's just not asking the right questions?  How can I turn this back around and make it his fault?  :)

Women and men communicate differently.  Period.  He will go days without telling me that his brother called and had something exciting happen in his life.  Me?  If my brother calls me with good news I call my mother, my cousins, my friend and anyone who will listen.  If I try and tell my husband his response is usually, "okay."  Okay?  Really?  Don't you want to ask me any questions?  

What is so wrong with asking questions?  I think all women were born to be Private Investigators.  We want the who, what, where, when, why and how and we want it now.  Is that so wrong?  Answer the questions and we will leave you alone.  It's that easy.  I don't really need to know, I just want to be told. 

On the other hand, if we just leave them alone they will tell us in their own time.  I've never not known something I needed to know.  And if he doesn't want me to know, I usually find out.  Again, women are P.I.'s.  You don't know how many times he's been on the phone and I'm lurking around the corner trying to figure out who he's talking to and what it's about.  Or how about the, "Let me put this laundry away in the room you are talking in" maneuver.  Classic.  

Oh and I just found out from my husband that he has been reading my blog.  Hi honey!!  :)  For the record, I don't complain all the time, you just need to ask more questions so I won't be upset when I've bottled it all up that I spew it all out at once. Yes, I realize the fact that I've included you in this blog you will now respond in a sarcastic, smart ass comment, because that's how you roll.  It's your best quality.  

Hear that?  The voice in my head is back.  Makes me wonder if the voice in my head is a man and I was just asking him too many questions?  "Where are you?  What's the matter?  Why aren't you talking to me? "  He probably was thinking what most men think, "OMG, lady stopping bugging me!!  I'll talk when I want to talk!"  

Whew.  I fell much better now so I will sign off with the usual.  Make it a great day.    Ladies, get those questions answered.   Men, silence is not always golden.  



"What is Truth?" says Lina Bean said...
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"What is Truth?" says Lina Bean said...

OMG so funny! It made my morning smile!