Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Ask Andrea

I like to think I give good advice.  After all, I do have an opinion on practically everything.  Just ask my poor husband.  He can't start a sentence without me butting in. Thanks mother for teaching me that.  

Anyway...I've been approached by a few people in the last month asking for what I thought on certain subjects so I thought maybe I'd let you ask me some questions.  This is also an experiment for me to see who is really reading this.  I have an average of 180 page views and I'm not sure if it's really true or just the same person (ahem, mom) hitting refresh.  So here's your chance to get my take on what's going on in your life.  It can be anything.  From boy trouble, mom questions, to what I think about the Kardashian baby.  You can either post your questions here under the comments section or email me at doesmybloglookfatinthis@gmail.com and I will answer them all in a later blog entry.  Don't be shy.  Ask me a question.  

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