Friday, November 22, 2013

Walken away from the cloud

The black cloud that had been following me around was really getting on my last nerve.  It had been there for too damn long so I concocted a simple plan.  Walk faster than the cloud.  Duh, it's a cloud, not a freaking cheetah and forging forward is the only way to actually get to where you're going.

If I could describe how I feel about the direction my life is heading, it would be Fat Boy Slim's Video for "Weapon of Choice."  I'm Christopher Walken and I'm busting a move right out of the old me.  

Who knew 6 months ago when I was complaining about selling "ugly shirts and shit," that quitting my job and search for the "Old Andrea," I'd actually start to find her?  She's been creeping back into me slowly, like a hungry lioness on the prowl.  In fact, every now and then I see a glimpse of HER when I look in the mirror and not my mother.

I really need to update the background with a new picture.  A more grown up, confident version of myself will do.   

Someone was in need of a spanking.  ;)

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