Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Knot giving up, I'm getting up

Time to pick up the pieces once again and make peace.  Peace with my choices, peace with myself, and find peace of mind.  Saying goodbye is never easy, especially when there isn't a way to say goodbye in person.  It has happened to me more times than I care to remember, but somehow never seem to forget.

I love nothing more than a fresh start.  There is something inspiring about simply waking up in the morning knowing your whole day is ahead of you.  (Yes, I'm easily inspired.)  It's the sound of  hot coffee hitting the mug, the sun peaking through the window along with your family yelling in the background.  Aww, Heaven.  It's promising to know that every day is a new chance to do something better than I did before.

Honestly, today I sucked.  I didn't exercise, I barely brushed my hair, my left eye makeup was a little heavier than my right eye and I left the house in a semi "People of Walmart" fashion.  But you know what?  I got up.   Yay me!  :)  For me, getting up is the hardest part.  It's easier to hide under the imaginary covers and pretend everything in my world is okay.  Nothing bad can happen when I'm under there.  Right?

I have to remind myself to think about what I'm missing under the blankets?  Not to mention the horrible "bed head" I'd have.  If I hadn't got up today, I would have missed hanging out with my dear old dad, driving him around like he's little Miss Daisy.  I would have missed hearing the story of how he knew this girl when he was in High School who lived on the land where the bank now stands for the 100th time.  I would have missed the crisp, cool wind blow in across my face and lower the temperature by 15 degrees in one hour.  I would have missed hearing a great song on the radio to remind me to carry on and  let the "past be the sound of my feet upon the ground." 

Basically I'm saying this.  I may not be the brightest bulb on the strand and I may be tangled up in a ball on the floor, driving you nuts, but guess what?  I still got a little twinkle left in me.  I just need some TLC.   I have a little knot in my strand that needs to work itself out and once I get untangled I'm going to shine brighter than ever before.  

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