Thursday, August 15, 2013

When In Doubt, Count Your Blessings.

Okay, yesterday I was a little hard on myself with the whole honesty is the best policy thing, so today I'm going to keep it light and breezy.  "I'm breezy."  (5 points to those who know where that's from.)

I think anytime you are truthful with yourself and it feels like you've been smacked in the face with reality, you MUST take a few moments and remind yourself what is so good about your life.  Here we go...

10 Things About Me that I'm Thankful For:

  1. I can find the "bright side" in any situation:  I know I've said this before but I will say it again; Find the bright side no matter what.  Yesterday's bright side was knowing that I'm not alone on the bottom step.  In fact, I had so many people reach out to me and say they were "lazies" or loved a lazy that I think we are going to need a bigger step.  Party on the bottom step!!  
  2. I have great friends and family:  This is kinda like reason #1 but I have to make mention of these people.  You guys rock.  You contacted me so fast yesterday, I was beginning to think you thought I was on the top step about to jump!  Thanks for having my back.  Don't worry about me, I'm good.  
  3. My body isn't the best but I have good boobs:  They hide a multitude of sins and make my waist look smaller.  Anytime I go out I hoist those bad boys up so high they take the focus away from my fat ass.  Heck, I may start teasing my hair next because I've heard the "bigger the hair the smaller the hips."  Work with what you're working with.  
  4. I'm alive and healthy: Only health issues I've had in awhile was a little random ringworm and a few colds.  Thank God.  Count your blessings.  
  5. I'm a good mom:  My daughter has no worries whatsoever.  No matter how stressed or grouchy I become my child is just as happy as can be.  My shit isn't her shit and I'm so thankful to continue to keep the two things separated.  
  6. My husband is the bomb:  He's funny, sweet and has the biggest heart.  He loves me as I am and only wants the best for his family.  Who could ask for more?
  7. I take criticism well and learn from it:  Sometimes it takes some tough love to get the wheels in your head cranking and light a fire under your ass so you can start to move.  It may not be easy to hear, especially when it's coming from yourself, but it's necessary.  I can't just whine about it, I have to learn from it.  "I are learning!"  (That's for you Jeanne!) 
  8. I'm creative:  I love to create things.  Just give me good music, supplies and an hour and I will MacGeyver crap into crafts.  Just add glitter.   
  9. People think I'm funny: I get the biggest high out of making people laugh.  The only person that doesn't think I'm funny is my husband and now it is my life's mission to make that man laugh.  On the rare occasion that he does laugh at something I've said, I'm so happy about it, I automatically bust out into dance that it ruins the whole moment.  Once he stops laughing, I feel like a 2 year old who's out of bubbles.  "What?  It's over?  But...but...wah!!!!"  I need help.  
  10. I think I'm funny:  Sometimes I laugh at what I'm going to say before I even say it.  Sometimes I think it's so funny, I don't say it at all because I want to keep it for myself.  It's that good.  I literally crack myself up.  As long as I think I'm funny, it really doesn't matter what anyone thinks of me and that's the truth.  I'm my own best friend and I'm happy just being me.  

Oh, here's where "I'm Breezy" came from.  Best episode of Friends...ever.  A big High 5 to those of you who got it quick.  I knew I liked you!  ;)  

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