Tuesday, August 20, 2013


Did you miss me?  I missed me.  I haven't been able to sit and be one with my thoughts in nearly a week.  It's been super busy with back to school and work.  I took a very part time job at Macy's after I quit working full time to bring in a little money but mostly for a discount.   I had forgotten how crazy back to school shopping can be!!  Note to parents:  If you take your kids shopping, watch them.  Don't let them run a muck in the stores.  They make a mess and more importantly they can get lost.  If I can't send my child to your house to throw your things around and expect you to pick up after her, don't let your children do that in a store.  Teach them manners and how to be respectful of others and their time. (Okay, Rant over.)    

Funny Confession Ecard: Back-to-School shopping is America's annual Running of the Bulls. Only more dangerous.

Any who...this is my little heads up that I will be taking this week off from blogging unless something must be shared for my sanity.  My husband is off the rest of the week and we plan to enjoy the last week of summer with our kiddo.  I can't believe how fast it has flown by and I have mixed emotions that that's over.  I'm sad that it's time for school again and my kid will be gone all day but then I'm happy that it's time for school again and my kid will be gone all day.  :) Thank God for great teachers.  I'll be praying for them because if I'm tired of my one child at the end of a wild day, I can only imagine how exhausted they are with 20+ kids.   

Funny Seasonal Ecard: Parents call it 'Back To School.' Teachers call it 'I Need Another Drink.' 

Here's to a great year for everyone!  Be blessed.  

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