Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Uneventfully Delightful

Working on today's blog and it's taking longer than I anticipated.  It's so hard to just sit and write when there is tons to be done around here and little motivation.  We went to the pool this morning and the sun really kicked my butt.  I'm dragging now.  I showered and ran errands and plopped myself onto the sofa with my daughter and started watching The Chew.  Now I think I may take a nap and delay this until tomorrow.  Yup,  I've just decided.  I shall nap, then clean and finish laundry, make dinner and a cocktail and maybe watch a movie with my hubby later.  It will by uneventfully delightful.  

I will share my "Jam of the Day" with you though.  It's my favorite Sara Bareillis song off her new album, "Blessed Unrest."   Enjoy it.  Now go and be just like you.  :)

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