Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Secrets of the "Mama" sisterhood...

There is nothing more fun than reminiscing with your girlfriends about old, loser boyfriends, wild nights with the girls and reminding yourself of all the crazy things you did.  That is, unless your girlfriend is your mother.  FYI Mother, there are some stories you should never, EVER share.  :)

That being said, I hope my daughter will be as open with me as I am with my mother.  She knows WAY too much.  In fact, I told my mother the day I lost my virginity.  Who does that?  This girl does. When I was growing up I had two fears.  The Fear of God and The Fear of Josie.  Call it stupidity or call it guilt, I just call normal and part of my life experience.  I still don't know why I did that?  Was it because I wanted to share on my wonderful experience?  Hardly.  (Heehee, my brain went there, did yours?)   I think I did it because I had such regret and was left completely unimpressed.  Sorry to the boy who shall remain nameless but most of you know who he is.  You were a nice boy for the most part but did me wrong, in more ways than one.  ;)  Anyway, back to my mother's reaction, which was priceless.  She didn't yell or scream, she just called me stupid as she cornered me in the bathroom.  I remember my little brothers running around the background, blissfully unaware that my mother was freaking out and secretly praying to God that we used protection.  We did, and that pissed her off even more because the "wolf in sheep's clothing" had the whole thing planned in her eyes.  Did I dare tell her it was partly my idea?  No way!  I played the dumb, naive girl card, but I guess she knows now.  

As an adult, our relationship has evolved into a full blown sisterhood.  Yes, she's still my mother and I semi-fear her, but mainly she's my girl.  I can go to her with any issue or problem and she will immediately drop everything to help.  Unless, my middle brother calls first.  (Just kidding mom!)  My mother was a middle child and likes to remind people of that so when it came to her children's birth order she made sure we all felt like we were her favorites, regardless of not knowing our names.  Her mothering skills are rock solid and even though she yells constantly and irritates the crap out of us, there is usually a reason for the ridiculousness.  We love and appreciate her more than she realizes and reading this is going to totally warrant tears and a phone call from her that will make me feel slightly uncomfortable but loved at the same time. Shit, I just thought of something.  She's going to read this and think it's immediately necessary to go out and get matching bracelets like I have with my BFF!!  Simmer down homie, we have the same ass and nose.  That's more permanent than any bracelet can ever be.  

When I started this post, it wasn't my intention to pay tribute to my mother with a story about the "two pump chump" but it happened.  I'm not even sure she's going to share this with her friends out of sheer embarrassment that her daughter shouldn't have worn white on her wedding day.  (Gasp!!)  But I hope she does, so other women can evaluate their relationships with their mothers/daughters and ask themselves, "does my daughter tell me everything and have my actions warranted me knowing such?" or " how would my mom react if I shared a little more of myself with her?" 

Even though I'm going to freak if my daughter shares some of the things with me that I've told my mother, I'll know I did something right.  So far, I think we are on the right track.  Here's to my daughter gaining a "sister" in me.  



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