Monday, August 12, 2013

Where were we? Oh yeah, still here.

It's Monday.  Time to get your groove on.  But if you are like me, you probably don't want to. Sometimes it's so hard to just get motivated to do anything.  It's a flaw, a defect, a curse.  My mother says it's genetic.  My biological father had the same lack of interest.  How wonderful.  I've got my mother's nose and my father's lazy ass.  Not exactly a winning combo.  Why couldn't it have been the other way around?  My father's nose and my mother's "Get up and go" attitude?  God is full of jokes.  :)

Unfortunately for me, I married a guy with a real gusto for life and getting things done.  He takes no prisoners. Unfortunately for him, he has "no gusto" for my gusto, and his daughter has his wife's, biological father's lazy ass.  We hang with the prisoners and chill.  Double whammie.  Poor guy.  It drives him crazy.  But the "crazies" make life fun. 

Today we have much to do.  Finish the school supply shopping, look for the perfect shoes to go with my kiddo's perfect first day of school outfit and find a suitable lunch container for a 4th grader.  She will not be taking a lunch box because that was so "3rd grade."  (Insert eye roll here.)  This summer has flown by so fast and we are 2 weeks away from school and it's kinda breaking my heart.  My little child is changing.  She's grown up so much this summer.  She's taller, a little curvier, attitudier (yes, I know that's not a real word, but stick around and you'll be speaking Andrea too), and looks a bit older. 
Going back to school for her means one thing.  I have successfully completed my "summer of fun" and it's time to get back to reality.  But I don't wanna.  

Here we are 3 months from my first public blog post, 5882 page views later and I'm a heck of a lot calmer.  When I read my first entry, I get the panicky feeling all over again and I don't like it. That's not me any more.  I still have the same dreams but they are just dreams.  Sometimes they are not meant to come true.  There are better plans for your life that you simply didn't know were even possible.  I hope to look back at this year of writing and find myself in a completely different place mentally.  I don't want to look back and think I've wasted my time.  I don't ever want to feel the way I did the day I wrote that blog.  I refuse.  I won't bow and let the anxieties win.  I want to flip what my daughter calls the "not nice finger" at the fears of the unknown.  My plan is to take one day at a time and go on this journey balls to the wall.  (Hopefully my hubby won't figure out that I'm stalling getting a real job.)  Until then, I salute this Monday and those of you who have been on this ride with me since the beginning.  We are one day closer to fulfilling our destiny, whatever the heck it is.  

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