Monday, August 5, 2013

Captain and Te-Nelly?

Why do people live their lives walking around waiting for the next bad thing to happen?  I'm married to one of them.  I have lovingly bestowed upon him the title, "Captain Negativo," because "something bad is going to happen, I just know it!"   As much as I love this man, he is a "half empty" kind of guy.  It's almost cute the way he dwells on the possibility of impending doom...almost.   It's more exhausting than cute.   

So to my surprise, I received the following text from the Captain, "I'm having a good day, so I thought I'd pass it on to you. :)"  He even included an emoticon?  What??  Did he win the lotto?  Nope, he was simply having a good day and thought it was worth sharing with me.  See?  He DOES love me.  He knows that the little things in life make me the happiest.  Sharing a smile or a funny joke can change your whole mood.   

Yes, I know I'm guilty of being a Negative Nelly in this blog but it's my way of sharing my inner dialogue with you.  If we are being completely honest, I too have problems filling the "cup" more than half way but I fake the crap out of my cup filling abilities.  Some may say I'm lying to myself, but I swear it works.  For the most part, in real life I try my best to be a positive light among the "Captains" of the world.  I shine so bright to balance the dark so I don't live in the shadows.  The shadows are a cold and gloomy place and I don't need to go there.  

Being positive takes a great deal of effort but after awhile you start to believe it.  It's not just in the words you choose, but actions as well.  I tell my daughter all the time to watch her behavior and sometimes quite frankly, I need to watch my own.  There are many days that I want to punch a loved one right in the mouth, or slap the snot out of a stranger but again, it's a decision.  A hard one, but it's a decision.  Sometimes it's a daily struggle.  I wake up and have to decide whether or not I'm going to let the shadows win.  
Today they've lost.  But the day's still young.  :)


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