Friday, August 2, 2013

The New Tween in Town

When I was a teenager, 30 seemed so old and so far away.  Why is it that I don't feel a day over 18 but I'm 35? 

Being in my 30's isn't what it's cracked up to be.  I'm using wrinkle cream with a side order of Clearasil.  I have grey hair but still have to shave my legs all the time.  I sweat like a beast by day but am freaking cold at night.  It's like a combo platter of cray cray.  

There needs to be a name for this age group.  I think the 30's are the new "tweens."  Young people think we're old and old people look at us like we're idiots.  We can buy our own drinks and are comfortable being out with just our girls but way too old to dance in a cage.  I've seen you out there 30 year old ladies, please stop it.  You look ridiculous and people are laughing at you thinking, "she dances like my mom."   

Plus, we don't have any positive role models our own age.  Just look at the some of the whacked out celebrities splashed all over the media who supposedly "represent" us.  I did a search for women in the media in their 30's and I was alarmed at the list.  I will share a few.  
  • Kim Kardashian?  Really?  Ugh, no thank you.  
  • Britney Spears?  I'm sorry, if you have a 5150 attached to your name, I refuse to look up to you. 
  •  Angelina Jolie?  Okay, maybe her humanitarianism can outweigh the alleged adultery but she still rubs me the wrong way.
  •  Alicia Silverstone?  She feeds her kid like a bird, as in mouth to mouth.  Enough said.
Where are all the sophisticated 30 year old women in this world?  I bet they're like me, looking in the mirror freaking out, covering their grey, slathering the zit cream and Philosophy's Hope in a Jar all while doing their Kegels.  That's all I'm going to say about that.  :)

It's time to take back our age group and be our own role models for the sake of our children and ourselves.  No more letting celebrity influence our likes and dislikes.  It's about us.  Being the best women we can be, taking no prisoners and flying by the seat of our pants.  Within reason of course.   Grow old gracefully.  Keep your head held high and let your inner confidence shine through.  And for goodness sake, please don't ever go out there and pull a Geraldo Rivera.   I'm sorry, 70 is not the new 50.  Sit down old man.  I bet your kids are mortified that the world saw your happy trail and we are not happy about it.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

yup guilty of dancing in the cage but in my defense i really thought i looked sexy...never again LOL