Thursday, July 11, 2013

Insert Clever Title Here

Why is it that when you have tons to do, you don't want to do it?  Today is one of those days.  I have been playing with a balloon with my daughter for over an hour.  So far she's winning.  You know the fun game where you pop the balloon up in the air with one hand for as long as you possibly can.  I did it so long that I got motion sick.  I had no choice but to lay down and take a nap.  ;)  It was a hard decision. 

Now I'm gonna start the chores because I don't want to do it tomorrow on my day off.  (Yes, every day is like a day off.)  I plan on heading to the pool and getting a Strawberry Lemonade and Strawberry Almond Chicken Salad from Wendy's.  Yum!  Those stupid commercials get me every time.   Anyway, it's off to do the laundry, clean the bathrooms and wash those darn dishes again.  Talk about living life in the fast lane. 

Oh, I just remembered a cool trick a friend of mine shared with me years ago. Fill your sink with Pine-Sol or my favorite Mr. Clean with Febreze for a few hours and walk away.  This way when your spouse comes home he/she thinks you cleaned all day because your home smells great!!  Sneaky, sneaky.  

I hope you have a wonderful day.

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