Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Confession time

I'm freaking out, just a little.  Yesterday, I mentioned I was having a bad day. Well it's more of a bad couple of weeks.  I hate that I stress myself out for no reason.  My stress level has slowly been creeping back up with this new "life plan" that I'm trying so desperately to create but honestly, I'm getting no where.  What am I going to do with myself for the REST OF MY LIFE?? Pass me the paper bag, because I'm about to hyperventilate. 

When I decided to take this summer off to be with my daughter, I was determined to "find myself." Well, I've been found in the form of a 35 year old mother, who loves reality TV, coffee, wine, her family, is fluent in both English and sarcasm that would rather write about nothing than get a real job. Anyone know how to make a living off that?  :)  Anyone?

Life is all about taking chances, making difficult choices and having a positive attitude. I know it's hard, and even I sometimes have to "fake it till I make it."  I pride myself in finding the positive in most situations.  I don't like negative people.  They kill my buzz.  I'm the only grouch allowed in my life.  Today, I'm in good spirits and want to say out loud and proud, "I SURRENDER!!  Whatever is gonna happen is gonna happen and I'm ready for it!"  This fear is not cool and I'm only hurting myself. It's not me.  Time to up the ante.  Figure my shit out and do something.  Who's with me?  I feel empowered and ready.  But first I gotta get out of my pajamas.  Then I can say...

There's nothing I love more than an encouraging song.  That's why I love Sara Bareilles.  I feel like she gets me, she speaks my language.  You may have to go to youtube and watch it, but I promise it's worth it.  Not just because the lyrics are great but because 2 of my boyfriends are in it.  Adam Levine and Josh Groban.  Yes, I realize that they are completely opposite but Adam is pretty and Josh is funny.   Plus Ben Folds says, "farted" and I love that word for some immature reason.  I'm about to put on my sassy pants on and dance.  My life is Uncharted.  :)  

"I won't go as a passenger, no, waiting for the road to be layed.  Though I may be going down, I'm taking flames over burning out."

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