Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Note to self

I hate when I have something to say but don't know how to say it.  It's really frustrating.  Today's blog post would have been done hours ago if I wasn't so darn indecisive.  I'm really starting to get on my own nerves.  
I feel like I could scream at everyone and everything today.  Maybe I'm getting my period, I don't know. What I do know is I need to turn my frown upside down and quit being in this blah mood.  I have things to get done around here and no desire to do so.  This blog is for me.  

Andrea, are you reading this?  Quit it already.  Stop feeling sorry for yourself for no reason whatsoever and do something about it.  Remember when you were a teenager and you wanted to have your own variety/talk show?  What was your theme song going to be?  "Member?  You member?"  :)  That's right. Put it on right now and quit your bitchin'.  What did you used to sing over and over again?  Sing it out loud when it comes on.

"Oh, I believe
Fate smile and destiny
Laughed as she came to cradle,
know this child will be able
Laughed as my body she lifted, 
know this child will be gifted
with love, patience and faith
she'll make her way
she'll make her way

People see me, 
I'm a challenge to your balance
I'm over your heads 
how I confound you and astound you
To know I must be one of the wonders
God's own creation
and as far as you see you can offer me 
no explanation."

Now, don't you feel better.  Yes, yes, you do.  So get up and make it a great day.  

Yes, ma'am.  :)

*Edited to add this little thought.  Maybe this isn't just for me.  Maybe it's for you too.   Remember that you are one of the Wonders, God's own creation.  Take my theme song today if you need it.  Remind yourself that "you'll make a way!"    

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