Monday, July 15, 2013

The feeling...

My heart races when I feel as if I have something to say.  I know when it's time to sit and write.  It's kind of familiar and uncomfortable at the same time.  It's almost like a delicious, panic attack.  It's hard to explain, but I just know if I don't get it out, it may be gone forever and I'll regret it instantaneously.  I have that feeling at this very moment but I have no clue what it's about.  It's frustrating.  So I'm just going to sit here and take a deep breath and see what comes out.  I have no idea where I'm going with this but I'm going to just go with it.  This feeling is almost "out of body," if that makes any sense?  I don't know what I'm saying, I just speak.  

I just had a thought.

What if it's not me who is supposed to speak today?  Could it be you?  Maybe you have something weighing on your heart and have been too afraid to say it.  Take a deep breath and just say it.  But when you do, speak encouraging words.  Uplift others and love, even when what you have to say may hurt.  That old saying, "sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me" is the biggest crock of you know what.  Words hurt more that scrapes and bruises.  They penetrate the soul and leave a wound that's slow to heal.  Sometimes they scar.   

And just like that, the feel is gone.  Anxieties have settled and satisfaction rushes over.  Nothing life changing or poignant words were spoken, but something was said. 

And I can live with that.

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