Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Why I have an only child, so you'll stop asking.

Every single day I am asked when I'm going to have another child.  First of all, my uterus and it's occupancy is not your business and secondly, I'm not, so stop asking.  One and done.  :)

When I found out I was pregnant 10 years ago I had just lost my job, was in the beginning stages of my non-career crisis, and we were not all.  Financially or mentally.  In fact, I found out I was pregnant while getting my annual pap smear waiting for a refill for birth control.  The doctor said, "here's your prescription...for prenatal vitamins because you are pregnant!"  That was a shocker because I hadn't even missed my period yet.  I thought I was good.  My pregnancy was difficult thanks to Preeclampsia so delivery sucked too.   

Becoming a parent was a tough experience to say the least.  Our perfect little princess was not what we expected.  She cried all the time, screamed every time we put her in the car seat which made driving unbearable, didn't sleep through the night until she was almost 2 years old, was allergic to dairy, soy and mosquitoes.  She was such a light sleeper that if you farted in the other room you would wake her up.  I used say to people when they came in, "Shh, don't wake the beast!"  I thought my poor husband, the worry wort, was going to crack under the pressure.  His anxiety was through the roof.  It was not a pleasant experience but it was our experience and we loved it so much but thank God that's over.

I bet you're thinking, why would she do that to her child?  Right?  Well, we have decided this FOR our child.  We know ourselves well enough to realize that if we had more children, we wouldn't be able to provide for them in the way they deserved.  I don't want my child(ren) to struggle with mountains of Student Loan Debt like I do, fight for parental attention and not have fun adventures or life experiences because mommy and daddy couldn't afford it.  Yes, it's sad but it's reality.  We aren't going to sacrifice giving our daughter the best so we could give her someone to fight with.  I hear you mom's of more than one child, your kids fight ALL the time.  I remember driving my mother nuts with the fighting and yelling.  She dropped us off at a gas station in the 80's once if my memory serves me correctly.  Why would I want that?  Right now, my only child is in her room, playing quietly and having a blast.  I'm sitting here in my jammies, watching the View, with my coffee and writing my blog.  Jealous yet?  Plus, she's never asked for siblings, so why rock the boat?

I love Google Images.

The one downside to an only child is that I am her only playmate and I hate playing.  I don't like Polly Pockets, Barbies or playing babies.  I prefer crafts and movies and not playing.  :)  So if you have a spare child who enjoys playing the above mentioned things, send them my way.  I'll give you a little break.

And for all of you Debbie Downers saying, "but when you die, she's going to be all alone!"  I hope to God she's not.  I pray she has a wonderful family, means to have a bunch of children or at least a best friend like I have.   I'm not the first person to have an only child and I'm sure as hell not going to be the last.  In fact, there are plenty of Only Children out there that did just fine.  Take a look at this list:

So don't cry for my kid, Argentina.  She's going to be just fine.  She's loved, happy and has dog brothers.  :)  

Make it a great day!


JDL said...

We have an only child ( not by choice, but we'll take it), and there are definitely benefits. He is such a huge part of everything we do and he has voice. I've
done what you've said; kids will come over and spend the day with him and he's good with that but he's also fine playing and reading by himself. And you are right, we can do a bit more since we have only one.

Anonymous said...

People are so freaking nosy. And trust me---you can't win. I have 4 kids (as you know), and people say to me "My God, what were you thinking? Are you insane??" (In so many words. If they actually used those words, I'd probably cut them, LOL). Everyone's family is right for them and people should keep their mouths shut.