Friday, June 14, 2013

Let me out!!

(Please press play while you read this today.  I do everything with a little music playing in the background.  I like to think my life is a movie, this is my soundtrack as I write is this.)

This morning I talked to my favorite people in the whole world.  My girlfriends.  These are the girls I go to when I need to vent, laugh, judge others (you do it too, don't hate lol), cry, whatever.  They get me.  As I hung up with each one of them, something stood out to me.  All women have one thing in common.  Pressure.  It effects us all in one way or another.  It can be self-inflicted or brought on by someone else.  Either way it just plain sucks.  

Last month when I decided I was going to start this blog, I was completely lost.  Looking for something to take my mind off the pressures of every day life.  Pressures of being the wife that every man wants.  The mother that every child wishes was their own.  The employee that every employer dreams of.  The only person I wasn't trying to please was me.  It had to stop.  But I had to stop it.  No one else.

Why do we do this, ladies?  Why do we put so much pressure on ourselves?  Hell, we even do it to our bodies with those damn Spanx.  Don't you ever just want to scream, "Let me out?" like this Queen songs says.   I know I do.  LET ME OUT!!

We can't be everything to everyone.  We can only be our imperfect selves.  That's the true perfection in being a woman.  Plain and simple.  Being perfect is not attainable.  Busting our asses off to have it all is great.  Finding balance and peace and self-acceptance is even better.  Remember, we will never be the perfect wife, mother, friend or co-worker.  So stop pressuring yourself silly.

Do me a favor.  Take the next few minutes of this song and take a deep breath, put on your favorite lipstick, look in the mirror and put a smile on your beautiful face and remind yourself to "pipe down!"  :)  Do it.  Let yourself out!!   

Make it a great day!!  

1 comment:

Michele said...

LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this one. Rings very true to me. I feel that we, as women/mothers/friends, put SO much pressure on ourselves to live up to this unrealistic perfection in life. As I write this, I know I am a huge culprit of this to myself. Change is tough but if it weren't, it wouldn't be worth it. :)