Monday, June 10, 2013

Delusional and proud of it

Ever believe in something you know isn't real but it doesn't seem to matter?

For most people it starts off with Santa Claus.  Growing up we never were taught to believe in Santa but I was secretly convinced he was real because why else would my parents hide him from me?  What's so wrong with believing that a jolly, fat man in a red suit flies around the world in one night giving toys to all the good boys and girls?  I guess I was a bit of a conspiracy theorist even then.  The Government/Mom & Dad didn't want me to find out he was real for some reason so they tried in vain to diminish his existence, just like the Aliens and Area 51.  But why?  Maybe because I was such a good kid he would give me all the presents and leave the other kids coal?  It could happen.  

My current obsession/fantasy is those damn mermaids from the Animal Planet "Documentary."  It makes sense to me in some weird way that it can't be fake.  I'm so convinced, I want to charter a boat, hire a team of scientists and find them myself.  People think I'm nuts.  

Why is being a bit delusional not okay?

I like delusion.  It gets me through the day sometimes.  It that's that warm, fuzzy feeling I get walking around thinking I'm the cutest thing on 2 flip flops and yoga pants.  It's that certainty that I sound just like, if not better than, Whitney Houston as I sing along in the car.  It's that feeling depicted below:

Believing in something that isn't real is a way of life for me.  It's faith.  I believe I have everything under control, I believe great things will happen, and I believe that a wonderful change is coming. Just because I doubt myself every day doesn't mean I know what I'm talking about.  Things are not always as they seem.  They can't be.  I refuse to believe this is it for me.  I'd rather believe in something that isn't real, than walk around thinking reality kicked my ass.  To those who read this, other than my mother, so what?  So what if your life sucks right now?  So what if you hate your job?  So what if your kids are fighting?  So what if you feel a little fat?  So what if you are fat?  Get delusional and believe in something that isn't real.  Yet.  Believe that things will change and find away to make them happen because living in faith is a whole lot better than the living in doubt and fear.  

I heard someone say once that the opposite of faith was reason.  That the act of faith was delusional because you were believing in something that didn't exist or was without evidence.  To them I say, "suck it, doubters!"  I'm going to get delusional and there is nothing you can do about it.  Go ahead and live in your "reality" and I'll live in mine.  

I choose to believe until I am.  Will you?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

hey ur moms not the only 1 that reads u gurl i love reading ur blog and im cheering u on from my comfy office chair!!!