Saturday, June 8, 2013


Good Morning Sunshine.

I have been 6:00 a.m. thanks to my daughter's inability to sleep late.  She's up, she's thirsty, she's dramatic.  I'm waiting for the day that she has decided that sleep is a valuable asset.  I love sleep.  I could sleep now.

Yesterday was the first day of summer break and we started it off with a bang!  We ended up in the Urgent Care clinic getting X-rays of her wrist and elbow.  She was playing with her cousin, fell off the bed and landed on top of it.  It sounded like it hurt and she complained about it all afternoon so off we went.  I know people who walked around on broken feet before going to get it checked out so I wasn't taking chances.  Better safe than sorry.

Keep in mind that every injury in her life is serious.  Seriously, over-dramatic.  She can have a mosquito bite and not only will it require ointment and a band-aid, but it will cause sleeplessness because the "itching won't stop!"  The said  sleeplessness will then turn to exhaustion which will quickly turn into what my husband has so lovingly called, "Cwhining."  It's half cry, half whine, mostly annoying.   I am not looking forward to her first set of menstrual cramps.  I bet we will be in the hospital because her "insides are being torn apart."

The other day she went to my cousin's house after school where one of her twin baby cousin's toenails poked her in the knee and scratched her.  Not only was she wearing a band-aid when I got home but she limped up the stairs as if she had one leg shorter than the other.  I thought for sure she was going to request a tetanus shot from the urgent care Dr. while we were there because she kept going on and on that this hadn't been "her week."

The Dr came in he examined her arm, moved it all around, and sent her for X-rays "just in case" but I knew he was thinking there was nothing wrong with her after his exam.  I tried not to laugh when he asked her on a scale of 1-10 how bad her pain level was and she said 7.  I wasn't even at a 7 when I gave birth to her.  Homegirl, is in for a rude awakening.  

In the end she was fine, just a minor sprain that was wrapped and she was sent on her way.  As I tucked her into bed last night she questioned why I hadn't "elevated her injury" within the first few hours like the discharge forms had instructed us to do?  I tried not to roll my eyes and said she could do it now if she wanted and said goodnight to Little Miss Drama Mama.

Today, she's over it and on to the next drama.  So far, it's been why we don't have a 3 hole puncher so she can put her sketches in a binder, her room is so messy and needs to be cleaned but doesn't want to do it, and other things that aren't even worth remembering.  Should be a fun summer.

1 comment:

Michele said...

SO funny!! Taylor is quite dramatic herself so I can totally relate to this one. :)