Thursday, May 30, 2013

Sh*t happens...

There comes a time in life when you just have to say, "Enough."

Enough with the excuses, enough with the drama, enough already.

I don't know how people live in a world full of chaos?  I just can't physically do it.  Drama gives me diarrhea.  Don't get me wrong,  I've had those "woe is me" moments.  I've been to Anne of Green Gable's "depths of despair."

If I let myself, I could have stayed in those depths for a long, long time.  But you now what?   That place sucks, and I'm better than that.  There is no need for me to wallow in self pity when I know there is a purpose for my pain.

It's just like childbirth.  There is no other way to get that baby out.  It's gonna hurt, you're probably gonna scream, and you may poop on the table.  Guess what?  It's okay.  Sometimes, the pain is going to humiliate us and there is not a thing we can do about it.  In the end, pun intended, it would have all been worth it.  Where do you think the saying, "Shit happens," comes from?

When I started writing, I had no idea where I was going with this, so my apologies for the preachy blog this morning.  I must have needed to remind myself and possibly someone else of the "this too shall pass" message.  Remember, there is always something we can do about our situation.  Sometimes that something is as simple as just letting go.

On a lighter note, I was trying to find something to demonstrate "shit happening" and this funny little cartoon came up.  I will add it because if made me smile and I can't be "heavy" without humor.  That's my super power.  Nothing makes me feel better than laughing in the face of pain.  :)

Make it a great day!

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