Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Hello Lover...

Good morning ladies.  I say ladies, because when I asked my husband if he was reading my blog his response was, "uh, that's your thing.  A girl thing."  I'm just assuming, but in reality I know most men aren't going to pull up the blog of a 35 year old, rambling woman.  

Now that I know he's not reading I can talk about him.  

I swear, since I started this blog, I feel like me again.  People are noticing my lack of attitude and rediscovered happiness.  Was I really that grumpy?  Short answer is yes.  And it's okay.  I asked my husband if he noticed a change in me and his comedic self said, "I'll notice a change in you when I can talk to you in the morning."  I guess that ain't gonna happen anytime soon.  

What's up with men wanting to talk in the morning anyway?  Leave me alone.  I just woke up and am in excruciating pain from holding my pee for the last 3 hours.  Why the heck did I hold it that long anyway?  Answer is, I was dreaming.  Duh!  Dreaming that I was on my way to the bathroom to pee.  (I hate those dreams, by the way).  Plus when I have a million things to do, the last thing I want to do is talk.  It doesn't mean I don't like you.  It just means I don't like the look of your face.  It's that simple. The only man I want to see that early is Mr. Coffee.  He's my one true love at 5:30 a.m.  If I don't have my cup of coffee within 5 minutes of waking up, you will feel the wrath of Andrea.  Decaffeinated Andrea isn't nearly as pretty as Caffeinated Andrea.   Especially when my family leaves for work and school.  I swear the minute the door closes and I'm all alone, the sun shines brighter, I stand a little taller and chorus of Angels begin to sing in the distance.  Heaven.  

Don't get me wrong, I love my family.  I just love them more when they are quiet, asleep or don't need me for anything.

Now, I can start my day.  

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