Friday, December 6, 2013

Ship happens.

Can I just say that I hate complainers?   I know I've said it before but I will say it again.  No one likes to hear you whine about everything, every time you talk.  I understand that there are legitimate reasons for someone to complain or be upset.  There are circumstances that can make finding joy in life difficult, but I'm not talking about those people.  I'm talking about the people who have so much to be grateful for but for some unknown reason, they just love to be Debbie Downers.  Can I also just say that I realize I, too, am complaining.  But me complaining about the complainers, is not the same thing as what I'm complaining about.  Stay with me folks.  :)

For me there is nothing worse than a person with a crappy attitude.  They can ruin your day faster than that unpickable wedgie lodged way up your rear for hours on end in the smoldering, Texas heat.  (Sidebar:  I love making up new words, convincing myself that it's legit and the red squiggle underneath is stupid doesn't know what it's talking about so that word should be added to my spell check dictionary.  Unpickable - you are in!)  So where was I?  Oh yes, people with crappy attitudes for no reason chap my hide.  Ha!  Another hiney reference.  I crack myself up. ;)  Anyway - what I'm trying to say is, enough already.  Don't make me smack you upside the head and say, "Whoa, whoa, whoa grouchy goose, what's really going on there?  Are you really upset because people are terrible drivers or DO you just have a terrible attitude?"  Think about it.  Why can't we just give each other a break?   Give that driver a pass or pass him up.  Move away from what's making you mad.  You don't have to be around things that drive you nuts.  Just like I don't have to be around you when you are being negative.  I love you but shut up already. 

You have a choice.  You can choose to be Mr or Mrs Pissy Pants or you can stop, take a breath and realize you are what you say and what you say is affecting those around you.  Choose your words wisely.  Say positive things.  Don't say, "my life sucks," because then it probably will.  I believe the best thing you can do is to say what you want to out loud and declare it to happen.  There is power behind your words.  Find a way to put a positive spin on your circumstances no matter what and focus on that until something great happens.  Example: You aren't in the best shape, well neither am I, so say, "I'm currently in my cocoon phase and I'm working towards the butterfly phase.  It takes time before it can emerge free from all it's layers."  :)  Say what you want to happen and it can.  Believe and have faith.  I said earlier this year that I didn't want to be the "braless mom sitting on the couch" and I'm not anymore.  I'm wearing a bra, thank you very much, and I am at the table PLUS I got a new job starting in January that I'm thrilled about.  See?  Words do have power.

One last thing.  Quit, I repeat, QUIT taking it out on your family.  They love you.  They want you to be happy more than anyone.  They probably were so happy to see you when you got home...until you opened your mouth.  Just breathe.  It's all gonna be okay.  Nothing is as bad as it seems and light can always be found in midst of darkness.  But you have to look for it.  If you're stuck on that negativity ship, lost in the dark, look around for your lighthouse.  It's out there.  There are "lighthouse people" all around you.  Let them light your way if you can't.  Surround yourself with light and it will never be dark.  It's so simple it's stupid.  Yes, shit happens and chances are you will be stuck on that ship again, so just choose wisely my friends.  Choose wisely.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You should read "Balcony People" by Joyce Landorf Heatherly. Incredible book... one of my favorites actually :)