Friday, September 20, 2013

Oh deer, I think I've figured it out.

Some of you are probably thinking, oh no, not another Oprah/Motivation video.  Yes, it's Oprah and yes, it is motivational but I need to hear this again.  And again.

Watch this so we can discuss.

Do You Have a 10-Gallon Capacity for Love?

How many of you are "10-galloners" dealing with the pint capacity people?  How many of you like me are drawn to them or feel like you have been attracting them your entire life?  Like Jerry Seinfeld would say, "what's the deal with that?"

I'm the type of girl that wears her heart on her sleeve.  What you see is what you get.  I will love you unconditionally, I will fight for you and have your back.  Even if I don't agree with you or your decisions, I will still want only the best for you.  My love over flows and honestly, it kinda pisses me off.  Why?  Because sometimes I feel like I give more than I get.  

When I saw this Life Class episode last week I had the biggest revelation.  I am destined to give my excess, otherwise I wouldn't have it.  Here was the biggest shocker - it's never been about me.  It is about the person who needs it.  They were placed in my path for a reason, whether or not they have caused me pain because, say it with me, there is purpose for the pain.  So I, as a 10 gallon person need to quit my bitching and love like I want to be loved because that's how God loves me.  Yes, I know I said a bad word and God in the same sentence but that's how I talk so don't judge.  Love me on my level.  ;)  

There is something to this "love them on the their level" business.  It's eye opening and core shaking.  This whole time I thought I was getting nothing, I was actually getting everything they had.  It's just not the way I wanted it, because it's not about me.  Now, I'm not saying to make excuses for the person giving you so little.  Don't take just scraps and bits and pieces.  Just really look at what their giving because that may be everything they have.  It reminds of a time when I lived with my cousin Angela and our dog, Tasha went missing for a few hours.  When she returned home she brought a disgusting, half decomposed deer leg she found in the woods and placed it on the porch.  She sat by it proudly wagging her tail.  It was a gift because she loved us and that's all she had.  

Sometimes I may feel like gross deer legs are being dropped at my feet left and right, but from now on I'm going to accept them with a different attitude.  I'm going to examine them with an open heart and appreciate the fact that I was the person they chose to share their all with.  Their all may suck but if you've committed to them or are related to them, you need to suck it up and love them back.  Don't be angry with them, love them.  I never thought I would say this, but I WANT to be the person the pint people come looking for.   

I think it's time to find a new dorky picture of me because I'm growing up.  ;)  

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