Saturday, September 14, 2013

Learning to use my GPS

Dang, I suck.  It's been well over a week since I've had an opportunity to sit and write.  So much is going on in this little head of mine and much has happened.  First I have added 2 little jobs to my already hectic life of leisure.  :)  I have a secret job I can't discuss because of it's nature but it's cooler than cool.   Second,  I babysit two kids every day after school for a friend before I go to work at the department store and try and convince people to buy shoes so I can make some money.  Don't forget I still have to maintain my two most important, permanent jobs, you know, nagging wife and over-bearing mother.  Those bad boys are my priorities and I can't let anything interfere with them.  So much for wanting to do nothing while I figure myself out.

On top of my "jobs," I am heading to Seattle in less than 2 weeks to pick up my BFF and bring her happy ass back home.  I can't wait to get away and hang with my homie.  It seems like only last year we were packing up the back of her SUV with 2 Golden Retrievers and hitting the open road heading for Seattle from San Antonio in 4 days.  Oh wait, that was only last year!!  We had such a great time laughing, singing and gabbing about everything under the sun as we cruised down the highways trying to figure out how to use cruise control.  I'm so excited I can't see straight!  Every day I wake up counting down the days.  10 days and counting, well technically 9 because it's already late tonight and if we don't count weekends it's only like 5.  Hopefully, this won't be us.

Needless to say, I can't believe how life has changed in the last few months.  Even though I'm working these ridiculous jobs, I'm beyond blessed to have this time to figure my crap out.  It's been a pain in the ass but like I always say, "there is purpose for the pain."  Everything happens for a reason, everything.  Even in-explainable, gut wrenching pain.  There is a lesson in there somewhere.  We just have to be willing to learn.  Here are 3 things I've learned so far: 

  1. Make a plan and go for it.  Be brave and trust.
  2. When you get lost you HAVE TO STOP and ask for direction.
  3. Nothing is ever as bad as it seems and will ALWAYS work itself out.  Keep an open mind and an open heart and hold on because tomorrow is coming.

I kind of feel like I'm on a little road trip right now searching for a destination.  I need to pull out my GPS more often.   I'm not talking about a Tom Tom or a Garmin, I'm talking about the ultimate GPS.  God, Peace, and Surrender.  Here's to knowing how to use it.  

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