Monday, September 2, 2013

"Labor day" equals "leisure day" or just "every day "as I like to call it.

I've been MIA for nearly two weeks and have loved every minute of it.  Today is no exception.  I'm at the pool with my daughter and her bff, having a picnic with myself in the sun, people watching.  There is an old man to my right making out with a girl more than half his age, and an adorable appropriately aged couple singing to my left.   Neon Moon is playing in the distance and someone is bbqing something to perfection.  The only thing that would make this better would be if my husband was sitting here with me.  He's at the hospital with his Dad waiting once again for test results.  Keep him in your prayers. 

I'm so happy yo be able to share my adventures with strangers and loyal stalkers.  You know a who you are.   Tomorrow I plan on returning in full force.  I started working on it this  morning so until then enjoy your labor day by believing you are too blessed to be stressed.  Try not to frown, you'll get wrinkles. 

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